Sentences with phrase «philosophical terms»

But whether there is any such philosophy — and thus whether theology itself is really possible — is a philosophical question which must be decided on philosophical terms.
This fundamental religious problem can also be cast in philosophical terms as the problem of radical particularity.
Now it is possible to come to the Christian understanding of man's existence within the framework of philosophical terms and at the same time to be speaking out of the mythical orientation.
In Second Temple Judaism hundreds of years before Christ, a «philosophical Judaism» made use of Greek philosophical terms to speak in a disciplined way about the God of the Bible.
In general philosophical terms, Hartshorne may properly be called an untamed rationalist.
Any «teleological» explanation, in purely philosophical terms, that sees the origin of species as an inevitable movement from «lower» to «higher» can be made to fit the facts very plausibly.
In formal philosophical terms, the language of final causes or purposes in Aristotelian explanation, was sequestered from formal, material and efficient causes.
However various were the attempts to speak about him and his achievement, the essential assertion was that in the event of Jesus Christ, they were sure there had been a decisive and focal disclosure of the divine reality known to the Jews as Jahweh and to others under various more Greek and hence more philosophical terms.
In other words (and in very simplistic philosophical terms), if you choose to believe in God and you're wrong, you essentially lose almost nothing (especially considering what there is to gain).
For Hartshorne absolute is a technical philosophical term, whose meaning he takes from Aquinas.
And so also I should say that phrases such as those concerned with our eternal destiny are what I call by this long philosophical term — they have ontological significance.
In his essay of 1957 «The Onto - Theological Constitution of Metaphysics,» he even argued that his own refusal to think of God in received philosophical terms perhaps made room for the truly «divine God» — the God before whom one could sing and dance, to whom one could make offerings and pray — to show himself anew, outside the determinations to which Cartesian rationalism would confine him.)
In spite of this failure to achieve thought that is both Christian and philosophically coherent, Dr. Emmet yet can not resist restating doctrine in philosophical terms since she knows that theology must bring about a reconciliation of doctrine with a current philosophy as did the Greek Fathers.
But then it's back to the travelogue, and Spencer talking in philosophical terms about how maybe there's a larger purpose in store for them.
It's here that I can reflect on where I'm coming from and where I'm going to, both in terms of geography and in deeper, philosophical terms regarding the metaphysical roads we embark upon (puff, puff, pass).
The title of the exhibition derives from a German philosophical term, most associated with Heidegger, which translates as «being there» or «existence.»
Gordon then considers the second part of the question: «One significant test of the Heisenberg principle can be thought of in philosophical terms: Let's say we could measure both the position and velocity of every sub-atomic particle with infinite accuracy.
@chad, looks like it either lacks the understanding of these philosophical terms or it conveniently hides behind its ignorance to suit its worldview.either ways its verbal diarrhea is proof of its perpetual incontinence.
As a philosophical term it was given meaning by Hegel.
In using the philosophical term «deconstruction,» however, I didn't mean to suggest that the process is controlled by anything like conscious logic or deliberate choice.
However, the book rapidly enters into the early Christological disputes, and for those readers new to the difficulties surrounding significant theological and philosophical terms, such as «person», «nature», «hypostasis», «hypostatic union», and later the «original Nicene Creed» (a nod to the filioque controversy), the content may seem intimidating.
In philosophical terms, the immanent and material must always find its principle of integration and identity in the transcendent and spiritual.
The exact character of God's relationship to the world is not precisely delineated in the Bible — certainly not in philosophical terms.
As a transition to the study of sight in the Bible, I would like to refer here to the remarkable study by Paul Ricoeur that expresses this contradiction in philosophical terms: proclamation as opposed to manifestation.
In philosophical terms this means that the immanent and material must always find its objective point of reference in the transcendent and spiritual which is always logically prior.
In mid-twentieth-century America, as men of letters, social reformers, and political rhetoricians were transformed into «intellectuals» (itself a fascinating story), mainline Protestants came to play that role as well, and did so in theological as well as sociological and philosophical terms.
Lots of theologians have laid out opinions over the centuries, and in their opining they have tried once again to hijack Jesus» humanity by defining it in philosophical terms.
In philosophical terms, one would say that the creationist is claiming the same ontological status for both the claims of science and the claims of faith.»
In philosophical terms he denies any notion of the Transcendent - because he rejects what he sees as a flawed system of thought about the meaning of life, although in truth it seems he hardly understands it - only to appeal covertly to transcendent moral ideals in order to construct some new theory of his own, which can not stand up to scrutiny.
Hence, in the subsequent chapters it will be discussed chiefly in philosophical terms, that is, in terms of what is given to us in ordinary experience and its rational interpretation.
For example, it is interesting to note how many major products and producers now present themselves in religious or philosophical terms.
In philosophical terms, we have moved from an ontology of participation to an ontology of distinction and finally to an absence of ontology altogether, with persons and things accepted only on the basis of appearance and function.
Both were formulated in philosophical terms.
To paraphrase it in non-religious psychological and philosophical terms, everything that we see around us is simply our minds» projection — our world, our «reality,» reflecting back to us our own internal beliefs and mindsets.
Christie's administration yesterday sought to put the decision in more practical rather than philosophical terms.
Calling up diverse references, from still life vanitas to hard - edge abstraction, color theory diagrams, and optical illusions, Eaton's work deeply engages with vision on physiological, technological, and philosophical terms.
From the 1960s, he began his series Relatum, which refers to the philosophical term that denotes things or events that are somehow related.
Presented under the title «Temporaldaten» (Temporal Data)-- a philosophical term coined by the father of phenomenology, Edmund Husserl — Marion Verboom's recent exhibition explored the problem of how we experience and describe time.
Speakers Elizabeth Harney and Souleymane Bachir Diagne explore Senegalese modernism and Negritude as a philosophical term and as a national cultural policy; Clementine Deliss is in conversation with the artist El Hadji Sy about his role in Laboratoire Agit Art, TENQ and Huit - Facettes, all collectives formations he co-founded in Senegal in the past decades.
The exhibition's title is taken from the philosophical term épistème, which Michel Foucault introduced in his book The Order of Things and refers to the implicit structures that set the conditions for the production of scientific knowledge in a given time and place.
For decades, she has commented on the art currents of that particular time, demonstrating to this day extraordinary farsightedness in both art - historical and philosophical terms.
«Qualia» is a philosophical term referring to a specific feeling of subjective, conscious experience, or as the artist describes, a...
To reject this evidence on the ground that they can not explain the nature of the obligation to tell the truth in philosophical terms that even those possessed of normal intelligence may find challenging is to exclude reliable and relevant evidence and make it impossible to bring to justice those charged with crimes against the mentally disabled.
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