Sentences with phrase «philosophical theories»

But it was equally impossible to go the full length with Greek philosophical theories and accept their necessary consequences.
I found it fascinating, and she included comments on how the existing philosophical theory would lean in different cat - related situations.
The question was — which of the Greek philosophical theories should they accept?
Rorty feels that philosophy should not be thought of as a foundation for education or politics; on the contrary, he insists that grounding social and political action on philosophical theories of human nature has done more harm than good.
With a background in philosophical theories he was predisposed to a process of reduction and a desire to filter the wealth of his historical influence.
Yuval Levin mentions philosophy, but only to undercut it by positing a disjunction between philosophical theory and reality.
On this basis existentialist philosophers revolted against the deterministic philosophical theories which dominated a great deal of thought at the end of the nineteenth century.
Nagel reasons from principles which are more in line with common sense and empirical evidence than deep philosophical theory.
How true: it can hardly be denied that much of the muddled thinking about matters of human sexuality that «vex public and private life» finds its origin in defective philosophical theories (such as nominalism) that deny the reality of natures, particularly human nature.
It catered to every single one of my stupid philosophical theories, and it blew me away with how simply beautiful and simultaneously frustrating it was.
While I found it interesting to form my own rationale as to what the film is about, by the same token, I often am reluctant to actually recommend films that don't work on fundamental narrative terms without having to read personal philosophical theories into them.
In collaboration with filmmaker Sil van der Woerd, a never before seen video of the same name continues this inquisitive deliberation, asking how philosophical theories continues to shape our perceptions of reality, sustainability and architecture.
Using collage as a form of interpretation and critique, Hirschhorn presents intellectual history and philosophical theory much as he does everyday objects and images, and poses questions about aesthetic value, moral responsibility, political agency, consumerism, and media spectacle.
Last week, the lecture was on «testimony and belief» and specifically discussed the opposing philosophical theories of David Hume and Thomas Reid on the subject.
Both are philosophical theories concerning the genesis of the...
Experientialism is defined as «the philosophical theory that experience is the source of knowledge.»
The claim is not saved in this way, for the claim to have such an intuition is not the alleged intuition itself, and only that claim is what in fact and in principle enters the realm of philosophical theory and argument.
Every philosophical theory that violates these rules must be rejected.
While scientific theories can (usually) be tested by experiment and / or observation, philosophical theories are tested by their self - coherence and their conformity with reality.
It is a powerful body of philosophical theory that has fought nobly in the philosophical wars of the past two centuries.
Wallraff, Charles F., Philosophical Theory and Psychological Fact: An Attempt at Synthesis.
It was a philosophical theory.
Being interesting and inspiring is however not a criterion of validity of a scientific or philosophical theory.
Whitehead was very conscious of this interrelatedness of reality, and it is an essential part of his philosophical theory.
To say that belief in the existence of persons involves this sort of engagement with them sounds like a questionable piece of philosophical theory.
Rather, as Whitehead says: «In all philosophical theory there is an ultimate which is actual in virtue of it accidents....
He then makes the crucial point that materialism and reductionism are philosophical theories «that are in no way entailed by the practice of evolutionary biology».
It is also not sufficient to say that Jesus» concept of God was no philosophical theory (true as that is), and that his belief in God as the cause of all that happens did not, in Jesus» undeveloped thought, untrained in logical consistency, exclude the assumption of other active causes of world events; that the strength of Jesus» faith in God is shown precisely in his holding fast, in spite of the belief in Satan, to the thought of God as the final cause of all events.
The term «ontology» has received a double meaning in the course of its history: it means, in its different applications, not only the philosophical theory of being but also the consideration of the human's statements about reality.
But, in addition to descriptive categorization, a philosophical theory of human nature or process also aims to categorize what it means to be distinctively human in the best sense.
I identified the philosophical theories they debated fiercely as some kind of test for earning their acceptance.
I don't know whether you'd call it a philosophical theory or a historical theory, but at any rate, I think that view is wrong, and I also think it could impede the work of science, because it takes away one of science's great motivations, which is to discover something that, in an absolute sense, divorced from any cultural milieu, is actually true.
Their research is based on the insight, backed up by a philosophical theory of consciousness called higher - order thought, that when you are conscious of something, you can confidently judge what you saw.
While in New York he met several Surrealist artists with whom he exchanged artistic and philosophical theories.
Surveyed together, the idioms of this tumultuous decade map a complex terrain of divergent aesthetic and philosophical theories, while charting the destabilising events at the brink of a new century.
Romanticism appealed less to the ruling class served by Classicism, and more to the new middle class whose recent democratic enfranchisement was reflected in the promise of individual and direct engagement with the art, devoid of complex metaphors and philosophical theories.
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