Sentences with phrase «philosophical truth»

A narrative does not have to be historically accurate to be of spiritual value or convey philosophical truth.
Then, when they had made that past a part of themselves, they could undertake the search for enduring philosophical truth.
It is the representation of an eternal philosophical truth.
Meyjes» film deals more with philosophical truth than actual events.
Even Lessing in The Education of the Human Race would seem to recognize that revelation meant event, but he again conceived that event in a deistic manner, and so transformed the truth of revelation into an abstract philosophical truth.
Willard may be best known for his teachings on the life of Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount, but his careful unpacking of the nature of the human body reveals an incredibly intricate philosophical truth.
But it is conserved as the expression of philosophical truths on the imaginative level.
We sometimes call this capacity critical thinking, but when it's aligned to first principles (read: basic philosophical truths), the ancients called it wisdom.
For now, I happily concede that a metaphysically modest version of neo-Darwinism could potentially be compatible with the philosophical truth (and thus Catholic teaching) about nature.
That is not a medical truth or a philosophical truth or even a moral truth.
When we examine dogmatic truths (which have their own inner logic and consistency) «they seem to be addressed to enigmas that philosophical truths and arguments do not in fact fully answer, though they approach them and want to know about them.»
On the theoretical side, it ranges from the speaking or writing of sentences of modest import up to the enunciation of important scientific or philosophical truths; on the practical, it ranges from the involvement of rational speech with the ordinary tasks of daily life up to its involvement with moral decisions of the most momentous kind.
It's simply a philosophical truth and I can't believe we even have to argue about it.
You're actually stating a philosophical truth that I believe is extremely important.
The Gagosian show, the fifth in its indispensable series curated by the magisterial Picasso biographer John Richardson, will in particular serve as a useful adjunct to the Met exhibition, given Cubism's rejection of the world as seen through the camera's lens in favor of internal, philosophical truths.
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