Sentences with word «philsophy»

And I think as you said, the fact that they have stuck close with their draft philsophy has not only straightjacked them into missing out on evaluation tools, but not allowing them to forego these measures in the face of authentic talent.
It would be nice if this represented a realization that talmudic studies deserve the same degree of support as those studying philsophy or literature in the universities.
sanbikinoraion: when I wrote the above I was thinking about liberal egalitarianism as a general philsophy and I had in mind what I see as the «big three» works of contemporary liberal egalitarianism: Rawls» A Theory of Justice, Dworkin's Sovereign Virtue and earlier, related essays, and Ackerman's Social Justice in the Liberal State.
«Because we elect a president, and we expect that he's going to appoint somebody that fits his basic political philsophy, and she does not seem to me to be an extremist,» he said.
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