Sentences with phrase «phishing site urls»

Not exact matches

Because of malware in email, phishing messages and malicious websites with URLs that are one letter different from popular sites, employees need to maintain a high level of awareness and diligence to protect themselves and their organizations.
Your visitors may be weirded out by a ctyptic url containing odd letters or numbers, as these are often associated with bad sites or phishing links.
A fairly common phishing technique I've seen lately is an email from a friend saying «you'll like this site» with a URL — and nothing else.
It may take you to a fake phishing site disguised to look as your bank's site, but with a subtly different URL.
Notice the URL returned from the first ad result is (please DO NOT visit this site, as it is a phishing site), which is a slightly misspelled version of the real site URL
If you click on the link that looks to be the official URL for MyEtherWallet, you will be redirected to a phishing site aimed to steal your credentials.
A QR code redirects you to an URL in your mobile browser, so it would be possible to take the user to a phishing site or a page that exploited a vulnerability in their mobile operating system.
Even with shrewd URL inspection, a phishing site can be difficult to spot as attackers employ a range of subtle techniques — like registering domains with foreign characters as evident from the punycode approach.
Even with shrewd URL inspection, a phishing site can be difficult to spot as attackers employ a range of subtle techniques — like registering domains with foreign characters as evident from the
If someone is attempting to utilize a user's authentication through a spoofed phishing site, for instance, a bogus URL, Clef will deny the request because it will detect the authentication URL is not valid.
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