Sentences with phrase «phlegm in»

With a sharp and distinctive menthol odor, the herb can also help clear congestion by breaking down phlegm in the bronchial tract.
In China sea vegetables are part of the cuisine, and in Chinese Medicine Kombu and Wakame sea veggies are used medicinally in decoctions for phlegm in the lungs caused or aggravated by the heat of febrile illness, especially when there is a feeling of fullness and obstruction in the chest caused by phlegm.
It helps burn up phlegm in the stomach and can aid in weight loss.
Chopped dandelion root can be combined with myrrh to make a poultice for boils and abscesses, with honeysuckle flowers to make a tea to be drunk to treat boils and abscesses, with skullcap and / or chrysanthemum flowers to make a tea to be drunk to treat sore eyes, or with heal - all to treat hard phlegm in bronchitis.
Over the centuries sages have attributed its seizures to everything from the presence of excess phlegm in the brain (per the ancient Greeks) to possession by evil spirits (during the Middle Ages).
To use essential oils to help clean baby phlegm in throat, you must first check with the pediatrician because some of them can pose danger, especially when used in improper quantity.
If there is mucous congestion that will be made more apparent by the phlegm in their cries, that's when you know what's bothering your biscuit.
These allergies enhance the production of phlegm in the body.

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Once people believed our personalities were based in our humors: blood, bile, and phlegm.
Earlier in 2014, London's Howard Griffin Gallery was home to a surrealist installation called «The Bestiary» from street artist and muralist Phlegm, in which he creates a «modern bestiary within his own universe through an immersive and large scale installation in wood, clay and plaster.»
I type this essay on a sunny Thursday in New York City at a lovely café called Dante, cheered by a phlegm - cutting negroni and the lively spirit of this relaxed corner of Gotham.
Tired of phlegm and coughing and the fight for air, bent double on the landing of a stair, in wheezing gasps where nothing is inspired.
The ancient Maya treated asthma and «white phlegm» by combining five chile pods and a little salt in a pan with and boiling it well.
I developed much phlegm / mucous in my trachea and bronchial areas.
Thoth cured Horus by spitting in his eye, and Jesus cured one man's blindness and another's deafness through targeted application of messianic phlegm.
A body not in balance is the result of all of the humours not being in balance, and thus, the recommendation for Diaby is that he be purged of all excess Blood, Phlegm, Bile and other Expulsions from the Body until his body is back in balance, with express interest shown on the Fluids produced by the Liver, which is the Source of Life, and, if not in balance, the Cause of Bodily Disturbance.
Premature babies are often on a higher calorie concentration milk and with the increase in milk protein, there may be an increase in the production of phlegm.
Mucus or phlegm is present in the nasal as well as throat.
Children who were fed other milk or solids during their first 4 months in addition to breast milk had an increased risk of wheezing, shortness of breath, dry cough and persistent phlegm during the first 4 years, compared to children who were exclusively breastfed for their first 4 months.
(in medieval physiology) one of the four elemental fluids of the body, blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile, regarded as determining, by their relative proportions, a person's physical and mental constitution.
People reported shortness of breath, change in sense of smell, headache, congestion or phlegm, dizziness, light - headedness and chest pain and tightness.
Believing that there was a substance in snot that worked as an antibiotic, he smeared a set of Petri dishes with bacteria and his own special Fleming phlegm, and left the dishes while he took a two - week vacation.
He recommended treatment through modified diet, bloodletting, and medicines believed to have a cooling and drying effect, in an effort to restore balance to the «four humours»: black bile, yellow bile, blood and phlegm.
«Before, Id be sick for a week or two and the phlegm would linger in my lungs,» he says.
These qualities in excess result in congestion, mucus, phlegm, sneezing and post-nasal drip.
When I run for more than 20 minutes, even at a slow pace, I get a fair amount of phlegm that prevents me from breathing normally, so obviously I stop when this happens, in the phlegm, there are traces of blood.
Tibetan Yoga combines movements, breath, meditation, and visualization to help open subtle - energy channels (again, think chakras in hatha yoga); it also balances the body's three humors, or vital constituents — wind, bile, and phlegm — and integrates body and mind.
And I had this really bad cough, and there's just phlegm stagnation in my throat, and I never, ever get phlegm.
Simple solution for thinning phlegm is drinking much more water / tea (don't add sugar), and you can try «steaming» ( in the dry months as well as adding a humidifier, taking hot showers, etc..
Both of these fluids increase dehydration which contributes to thickening phlegm, reduced moisture in your airways and a chronic cough.
The lemon ginger blast is designed specifically for removing the phlegm that is common in smokers and can become dislodged shortly after quitting.
I have a phlegm problem with milk in smoothies, an alternative?
I credit the cod liver oil with not getting a cold in two years after coughing up phlegm half the winter for most of my adult life
Conventional dairy can increase the viscosity of phlegm produced in the oral cavity aggravating sore throat symptoms.
(4) It has been demonstrated to be an effective expectorant (making it good for removing phlegm and toxins from the lungs), and it is used in traditional Chinese medicine to boost liver function to cleanse the blood.
As mucus, phlegm, sputum or other substances accumulate in the airways, this reflexive action tries to get rid of them.
• Colds and respiratory disorders — Frankincense oil can help break up phlegm deposits in your respiratory tract and lungs, and can potentially relieve bronchitis - related congestion.18
In one scene, Snotty instructs Booger in the fine art of hacking up phlegIn one scene, Snotty instructs Booger in the fine art of hacking up phlegin the fine art of hacking up phlegm.
Veterinarians can only treat the symptoms, which include coughing — very similar to whooping cough in humans, gagging, sneezing, runny nose, phlegm, lethargy and low grade fever.
I have a rescue that was treated for heartworm and her hacking was only procucing a small about of phlegm and today she has a little bit of blood in it.
If you see any blood in his phlegm, coughing is more severe, or more frequent, any trouble breathing, he quits eating, or just generally doesn't feel good, he should definitely see the doctor.
One of the more serious complications in a dog affected with megaesophagus is passive regurgitation, in which the affected dog vomits up food or phlegm after eating or exercise.
In Traditional Chinese veterinary medicine, lipomas are a type of «dampness» called «phlegm» that has stagnated in a particular area, usually an acupuncture channel such as the Gallbladder channel, explains veterinarian Bruce Ferguson, DVM, MS, a practitioner and instructor in traditional Chinese veterinary medicine based in Perth, AustraliIn Traditional Chinese veterinary medicine, lipomas are a type of «dampness» called «phlegm» that has stagnated in a particular area, usually an acupuncture channel such as the Gallbladder channel, explains veterinarian Bruce Ferguson, DVM, MS, a practitioner and instructor in traditional Chinese veterinary medicine based in Perth, Australiin a particular area, usually an acupuncture channel such as the Gallbladder channel, explains veterinarian Bruce Ferguson, DVM, MS, a practitioner and instructor in traditional Chinese veterinary medicine based in Perth, Australiin traditional Chinese veterinary medicine based in Perth, Australiin Perth, Australia.
I had no idea what to expect, then as the game starts and it helpfully shows you what to do in this goo flying puzzle physics game... I have to say, who knew playing with mutated phlegm could be so much fun?
Artists - in - Residence: Fall 2018 Jo Cattell Hannah Chalew Adriana Corral Cecelia Fernandes Heidi Lau David Leggett Natalie McLaurin Phlegm Ralph Pugay Paul Rucker Bob Snead Vincent Valdez Cullen Washington Jr..
A tiny hand, intent to shake with atavic phlegm a shabby cloth, didn't realize that the dust dealt feverish in the air»
Made up of a latticed metal screen variously woven and penetrated with soft rubber tubes in hues referencing the four humors — black bile, yellow bile, phlegm and blood — and metal spikes, Friedman's sculpture Two Person Operating System, situated in the center of the gallery, channels both threat and attraction.
British artist Phlegm has spent the last few months locked in tiny studio trying out variety of printing techniques and playing with traditional crafts such as wood engraving, copper engraving, silk
Phlegm creates in this way a modern bestiary presenting a taxonomic categorisation of his creatures through an immersive and large - scale installation in wood, clay and plaster.
I was interested in putting on an exhibition with Phlegm for it is artists such as Phlegm who are helping to redefine public art and art generally in 2014.
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