Sentences with phrase «phones during exams»

This follows a rise in the number of students caught with their mobile phones during exams.
«We are encouraging centres to reflect on how they can best assure their students their phones will be safe and that students understand the risk of being found with a phone during an exam
«We have seen an increase in the number of students being issued with a penalty for breaching the rules, albeit that they might not have intended to use their phone during the exam.

Not exact matches

Once the insurance company has this information, it can be cross-referenced with what you wrote (or said, if you applied over the phone) on your application, what you told your examiner during your disability insurance medical exam, and what's in your doctor records.
Some companies will schedule your medical exam during your phone interview, if your policy requires an exam.
While some insurance policies offer no - exam coverage for certain price ranges, they typically cost more, and you will need to qualify for those policies via your answers during your pre-application and phone interview.
In your role as a medical assistant each aspect of a patient encounter, whether directly face - to - face, or over the phone, should be carefully documented to protect yourself, your employer and also the patient: ask about personal and family histories, allergies to medications, or latex, medications administered and prescribed, physical exam findings (such as vital signs), imaging and lab test results, discussions with patients, including specific questions and responses and procedures performed during course of the visit.
Often, volunteers provide survivors with initial phone counseling, in - person support and advocacy during a hospital exam or meeting with law enforcement.
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