Sentences with phrase «photo strip»

A series of photo strips by André Breton and his Surrealist colleagues open the first chapter in a series of displays.
A series of photo strips by André Breton (1896 - 1966, France) and his Surrealist colleagues open the first chapter in a series of displays.
Ruff began «press + +» last summer, and one might see it as a combination of and response to previous series, including «Newspaper Photographs» (analog newspaper photos stripped of textual context) and «jpegs» (digitally disseminated images also devoid of context), as well as many others that have dealt with the overarching theme of the universe.
You can create a photo strip, or cleverly continue a pic from the watch band onto your Apple Watch face.
It is actually pictured at the top of my FB page right now (in the «photo strip») on a black and white lettered tray along with an alarm clock.
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