Sentences with phrase «photoreceptor rescue»

Qualitative examination of the host anatomical response to the presence of hNPCctx or hNPCctx - GDNF revealed substantial preservation of the photoreceptor outer nuclear layer (ONL) overlying all subretinal donor cells (Figure 5E and F), with photoreceptor rescue gradually declining outside the distribution of the transplanted cells (Figure 5E and G).
Human neural progenitors survive as two distinct populations within the retina and promote photoreceptor rescue.

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Tamoxifen provides structural and functional rescue in murine models of photoreceptor degeneration.
A transplant of fresh RPE tissue could rescue dying photoreceptors.
Inactivation of this gene in zebrafish induced retinal photoreceptor defects that were rescued by human NEK2mRNA.
0 Research ArticleRETINAL DISEASES Human ESC — derived retinal epithelial cell sheets potentiate rescue of photoreceptor cell loss in rats with retinal degeneration Karim Ben M'Barek 1,2,3, Walter Habeler1, 2,3, Alexandra Plancheron1, 2,3,
(E) P150 dystrophic retina transplanted with hNPCctx — GDNF and stained with cone arrestin antibody showing morphology of rescued cone photoreceptors (arrows point to cone pedicles).
(E) Low power view of a retina section obtained from the same eye used in panel A showing extensive rescue of photoreceptors within the outer nuclear layer (ONL) after subretinal injection of hNPCctx — GDNF.
In order to study rescue effects following surgery, donor cells were introduced at P21, an age preceding major onset of photoreceptor loss.
Of note, while vision rescue requires preservation of some functional photoreceptors, the mere presence of photoreceptor cells in the ONL of transplanted RCS rats does not assure function [61].
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