Sentences with phrase «phraseology from»

(hence the identical phraseology from newspaper to radio announcer).
The bit about the change of garments and the bathhouse is talmudic phraseology from tractate Eruvin (27b), indicating a matter urgently in need of clarification.
The bit about the change of garments and the bathhouse is talmudic phraseology from tractate Eruvin (27b), indicating a matter....
Borrowing phraseology from the Ragin Cajun and former advisor to President Clinton, James Carville: it's the price action stupid!

Not exact matches

The Jews, in the phraseology of Doctor Ruppin of the Hebrew University at Jerusalem, having changed in the eighteenth century from an Oriental people to an Eastern European, have in the last few generations changed from an Eastern European people to a Western European and an American.
Leo finally quotes the testimony of Innocent VI who says «His teaching above that of others, the canons alone excepted, enjoys such an elegance of phraseology, a method of statement, a truth of proposition, thatthose who hold to it are never found swerving from the path of truth, and he who dare assail it will always be suspected of error.»
As for Aristotle's logic, its dominance over several centuries «imposed on metaphysical thought the categories naturally derivative from its phraseology» (PR 30 / 45).
The phraseology and the order of presentation vary slightly, but there is no essential advance from one to another.
6.14), is strongly Aramaic (the word play «debt / sin» is possible only in Aramaic), and has a characteristic brevity and a strongly personal element in its phraseology which is derived from the spirit of the use of abba.
It is notable that no biological science has been able to express itself apart from phraseology which is meaningless unless it refers to ideals proper to the organism in question.
Descartes does not explicitly frame the definition of actuality in terms of the ontological principle... that actual occasions form the ground from which all other types of existence are derivative and abstracted; but he practically formulates an equivalent in subject - predicate phraseology.
In other words, his «total morphological pattern», in the phraseology of Le Gros Clark (1955) differs from that of «sapiens» man.»
One of these works, HORIZONTAL (1973), was censored from the exhibition «FOCUS: Women's Work — American Art in 1974» at the Museum of the Philadelphia Civic Center for «lacking redeeming social value,» phraseology commonly applied to pornography.
From his articles, it is clear that the new phraseology is «deepen the reform of the judicial system with comprehensive integrated reforms» (深化司法体制改革综合配套改革).
Bits of legal phraseology have been lifted from I know not what precedents and assembled in a strange way.»
Without hesitation my response was «Phraseology»... in general, the vast majority of self - crafted resumes I see suffer from poor use of the English language, thought flow, grammar, and all other factors that contribute to a well written document.
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