Sentences with phrase «physical aches»

Those who are interested in cycling, and don't have a record of physical aches typically don't have an issue when using this kind of equipment.
While depressed adults often talk about emotional pain, depressed teens tend to report physical aches and pains.
Yoga can help alleviate physical aches and calm mental / emotional stress, both of which help us get a good night's sleep.
Tylenol isn't just for physical aches and pains anymore: National Public Radio makes the case that it relieves a wide variety of emotional aches and pains too.
Besides changes in focus, eating habits, and sleep patterns, look out for agitation, unexplained physical aches and pains, and a preoccupation with negative thoughts or self - doubts.
Before you start, write down any problems you might have, whether you think they're related to dairy or not, from minor physical aches or fatigue, to sleeping problems and skin - or hair - related signs.
A common ailment among my relatives is a tendency for muscle, joint, and other physical aches and pains due to bad ergonomics.
Are you noticing symptoms of stress showing up as physical aches... Read More >
But what do physical aches and pains means?
«Young children forced to meet standards beyond their capacity resort to multiple stress behaviors, such as nail biting, finger or thumb sucking, hair twirling, physical hostility, crying, complaints of physical aches and pains, vomiting, outbursts, and withdrawal.»
Having perhaps suffered violence to her genitals during the birth, the physical ache to all that is vulnerable in her world can seem unbearable.
No stranger to the fitness world, Leisa Hart has come up with a really inspiring workout for pregnant moms, focusing on feeling great and lower the number of physical aches.
My Karen friends both experienced and expressed emotional distress through the body (e.g., physical aches and pains) and mind (e.g., thinking too much or remembering past suffering), but avoided a Cartesian division of the two.
Manual biofeedback is just as practical, if not easier, than some of these techniques, and its successful application to the majority of physical aches and pains can be surprisingly simple once a bit of experience is attained.
The concept of essence therapy is that it benefits not only the physical aches and pains you may be experiencing, but the emotional and spiritual struggles as well.
I fell into my niche without any effort on my part — retired professional women over 60 flocked to my classes and together we explored the issues that bothered them the most: physical aches and pains, menopause after - effects, energy challenges, concerns about balance, etc..
Depression may show up as irritability, consistent high reactivity or sad mood, high sensitivity to rejection, failure and perceived criticism, consistent complaints of physical aches and pains, withdrawing from friends, major changes in sleeping and eating patterns, extreme sensitivity to criticism, no longer interested in activities previously enjoyed, self - injury and persistent low energy.
The best way to differentiate between a tress induced ache and a physical ache is to pay close attention to when the child is experiencing it.
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