Sentences with phrase «physical action in»

There is very little physical action in the film, but lots of emotional and psychological drama, in a movie that, under different hands, would be considered overly long.
Most of it, is nothing more than a distant take on Classical Hatha Yoga with added variations in order to cater to the growing need of adding physical action in the lives of physically active.
Physical actions in particular are noticed instantly and men also enjoy hearing their name and being made to feel strong.
It's a much better topic than culpability, which is only applicable to physical actions in the past.
A father's nonverbal vocabulary, as expressed by his energy and physical actions in play, is different from a mother's play interactions with children.

Not exact matches

Come October 5, Skylanders: Trap Team will introduce a new interactive element to the game franchise, along with a new type of physical retail tie - in with 40 crystal traps, and over 50 new action figures.
Almost one - fifth of the time spent in US workplaces involves performing physical activities or operating machinery in a predictable environment — that is, specific actions in familiar settings where changes are relatively easy to anticipate.
But we've grown to associate those visual cues with the action in both the physical and digital world.
«Going forward, we will take action against any content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual or a group of people,» the company wrote in statement on Thursday.
Speaking in London on Wednesday, the ECB's main economist Peter Praet declined to comment on the Bank's actions, expressing it was important to physical exercise «verbal restraint» in times of disaster.
From Credo Action — Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street banks have gotten involved in the production and distribution of physical commodities — things like aluminum, oil, electric power, and even uranium yellowcake.
Yet it was once believed — certainly when Mill wrote his Autobiography — that, whatever our familial, religious, racial, or physical limitations, our actions have meaning because they are embedded in a scheme of things larger than just our immediate bodies.
If no mitigating actions are taken, significant disruptions in the Earth's physical and ecological systems, social systems, security, and human health are likely to occur.
In a way, this does not constitute an exception: it is still the physical action of a human that brings about a physical result.
Spiritual violence radically excludes both the physical violence and the participation in violent action that go with such roles.
Putting the focus back on chastity might help us remember that repentance and redemption are always possible, as well as encourage us to view sexual behavior in a wider context of self - control, bodily respect, and patience, rather than as a simple prohibition against a particular physical action
This impulse which in our time is so irresistibly attracting all open minds towards a philosophy that comprises at once a theoretical system, a rule of action, a religion and a presentiment, heralds and denotes, in my view, the effective, physical fulfillment of all living beings.
The reaction of nature is a blindingly flashing red - light that man's actions are unnatural; that he need be true to his inner demands, which acted upon automatically set a proper balance within human consciousness and adjust the physical conditions in the entire creation around him.
Police that protect us from the physical threats and force of an irrational neighbor is something we can agree on and is easy to see in action.
Provided that physical science maintains its denial of «action at a distance,» the safer guess is that direct objectification is practically negligible except for contiguous occasions; but that this practical negligibility is a characteristic of the present cosmic epoch, without any metaphysical generality (Process and Reality, An Essay in Cosmology 468 - 469).
Another example of a linguistic / conceptual difference between Aristotelian thought and modern science is that the former usually envisions the action of one thing upon another (for example fire heating iron), whereas in modern physics the physical world is explained in terms of mutual «interactions».
Does the ferment in the physical sciences mean there is room for divine and human action after all?
The point of central importance in these developments for a philosophy of man is that man - made physical mechanisms are no longer limited to rigid patterns of mechanical action, but are now admitted to the domain of sensitive response, memory, and even of decision - making — activities that traditionally have been thought the exclusive province of minded organisms.
Suggesting these vocal and physical actions makes the dramatic images vivid in the reader's presentation of the text.
The negative perpetuates itself as a habit of thought» it becomes the highest form of self «consciousness» and it destroys everything in the most direct way; not by physical means, but by corrosion at the seat of faith and action, the human mind.
The imagination is attuned to the sounds, sights, scents, that is, physical sensations, so that the interstices or the spacelets of the imagination can be formed by the drama of the Mass. 12 Participating in the liturgy and the sacraments imprints upon the imagination beneficial experiences which influence the intellect and will and, subsequently, generate responses and actions that ow into culture.
In many cases, he used his words, but in the temple incident, he used physical action... or dare I say: violencIn many cases, he used his words, but in the temple incident, he used physical action... or dare I say: violencin the temple incident, he used physical action... or dare I say: violence.
God accepts whatever we bring to the God / person relationship — our physical and spiritual condition, personality, connection to reality, our participation in relationships, talents, inabilities, cognition, knowledge, ignorance, life journey, spiritual journey, walk about, wandering, seeking, questioning, questing, acceptance of God, rejection of God — and our emotional and mental status: hate / love, anger / peace, sadness / happiness, hurt / health, feeling lost and abandoned / feeling found and included, agitation / serenity, apathy / passion, confusion / clarity, fractures / wholeness — all of this, all of whoever we are and have ever been and every action committed or ever contemplated and every thought we ever explored or entertained or that flitted through our mind — all of this, we bring to the God / person relationship and God accepts the totality of who we are and every component that comprises who we are — as a gift.
The constitution of a society prescribes the forms of justice only when it provides for that kind of interaction among individuals, and between individuals and the physical environment, which creates the human mind, and which sustains that scope of understanding, power of action and richness of appreciation which is distinctively human in contrast to the lower animals.
It is, nevertheless, Cartesian in dividing the world into a purely physical realm, which is ruled by efficient causation, and a purely mental realm, in which there is only final causation, so that the mind is constrained only by «the norms and rules that guide actions and decisions, and form the basis of rational evaluations of our motives, cognitions, and emotions» (SM 211).7
If you truly do not recognize the Const!tution as being the Supreme Law that governs your physical life here in this country, then you have some options, like giving up your Citizenship and moving to a different country, or staying here and refusing to follow the law — in which case we can bring a tort action or other civil suit against you, file criminal charges against you, or have you committed to a psychiatric hospital.
Furthermore, it is pretty well established that objective properties of physical systems do not always even exist independent of an observer - in a sense, they come into being through the action of the observer.
While both of these factors — an inherited distrust of physical form, and a current focus on monetary economies — clearly shape our feelings and actions in relation to art, the equivocal nature of the Protestant relationship to the arts becomes ever clearer if we look at what lies behind the question of iconoclasm.
If death precedes resurrection, then while taking some of the actions suggested in this book may cause your church to die and disappear (again, the physical structure with the building and programs and paid staff), the true church of Jesus Christ may actually rise up to new life, light, vibrancy, and faithfulness!
In Religion in the Making Whitehead talks about a transition of creative action itself: «there is a transition of the creative action, and this transition exhibits itself, in the physical world, in the guise of routes of temporal succession» (92In Religion in the Making Whitehead talks about a transition of creative action itself: «there is a transition of the creative action, and this transition exhibits itself, in the physical world, in the guise of routes of temporal succession» (92in the Making Whitehead talks about a transition of creative action itself: «there is a transition of the creative action, and this transition exhibits itself, in the physical world, in the guise of routes of temporal succession» (92in the physical world, in the guise of routes of temporal succession» (92in the guise of routes of temporal succession» (92).
In the general theory of relativity it has, as von Weizsäcker has said, become a «physical object in the full sense of exercising action and suffering effects.&raquIn the general theory of relativity it has, as von Weizsäcker has said, become a «physical object in the full sense of exercising action and suffering effects.&raquin the full sense of exercising action and suffering effects.»
Through its fusing of the field of force with space it has turned space into a physical object in the full sense of exercising action and suffering effects....
But this is not what is meant here, for von Weizsäcker said, «a physical object in the full sense of exercising action and suffering effects.»
Several themes stand out in Mayernik's accounts of these cities: the persistence of a humanist sensibility grounded in sacred order (including what can only be regarded as a sacramental sense of the relationships among the human body, the city, and the cosmos); the role of memory in the life of traditional cities; the relationship between memory and artistic action; and the city as the physical embodiment of shared aspirations rather than «reality.»
The objects of his study range from a class of molecules that have the basic self - duplicating property of living things, through cells which suggest purely physical systems, through animals which give increasing evidence of having minds, to human beings in whom streams of consciousness seem to involve continual choices of action, at the opposite pole from control by impersonal laws of nature.
The practice of worship is thus always localizable in temporally extended actions requiring particular, concrete physical and spatial location; and that constitutes a congregation.
A like argument was urged and rejected generations ago, when actions based on religious beliefs and practices resulted in the deaths of children who were denied blood transfusions and other medical treatment and in the physical abuse of women and children.
In its broadest sense, we may initially state the cosmological principle in a process - based ontology as follows: the emergence of purposive actions and consciousness within the creative and novel concrescence of an evolving physical and biological universe.In its broadest sense, we may initially state the cosmological principle in a process - based ontology as follows: the emergence of purposive actions and consciousness within the creative and novel concrescence of an evolving physical and biological a process - based ontology as follows: the emergence of purposive actions and consciousness within the creative and novel concrescence of an evolving physical and biological universe.14
This notion of the real interactings of minima on each other is the basis of Leclerc's doctrine of the nature of the physical existent, and of his view that complex substances literally consist in the actions produced by the interaction of the minima that comprise them (PN 148 - 50).
As we say in the essay, childhood changed in 80s and 90s, there was much more protectiveness, there were new zero tolerance policies on bullying, which was fine when bullying was linked to physical aggression and to repeated actions.
A major milestone demonstrating commitment to the EU Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health was achieved in 2005 when FoodDrinkEurope and several of its members pioneered the concept of front of pack nutrition labelling through the then - called «Guideline Daily Amounts» (GDA).
Make a Plan * Call a family meeting and have a frank discussion about your family's physical fitness health * Ask family members for suggestions on how the whole family can shape up individually and together * Prepare a plan of action and display it in high traffic areas.
Injured veterans are not typical of the general disabled population in the U.S. Cut from a force of young, disciplined, physically fit action junkies, they're primed for the shock of physical therapy, driven to get back on their feet and go.
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