Sentences with phrase «physical attractiveness did»

Stated differently, results indicated that perceptions of physical attractiveness did not significantly increase in the positive communication condition (F (1, 47) = 3.363, p =.07, Partial Eta Squared =.067).
The fact that overall perceptions of physical attractiveness did not significantly increase after a single positive interpersonal communication event suggests that in most communicative scenarios it takes time to augment a physical attraction with a fellow dater.

Not exact matches

«Hiring personnel need to be aware that they should not close the door to hearing what that person has to offer just because they do not fit the image or the physical attractiveness [they have in mind],» Patzer cautions.
While Kanazawa's methods seem rather subjective, it is theoretically possible that — if physical attractiveness really does increase the reproductive success of daughters more than sons — natural selection could find a way to make better - looking people more likely to have daughters.
I don't know about male voices, but my observation is that there is a definite correlation (not 100 %, of course) between the pitch of female voices and their physical attractiveness.
I understand that height effects a man's physical attractiveness to a woman (much like her bust size does for men), and that attraction is not consciously decided.
More has to do with your personality than with your physical nature of attractiveness.
A wonderful look at the value of physical attractiveness versus the qualities that constitute inner beauty, Marty must finally answer the oft - repeated question; «What do you want to do
How does Ruth capitalize on her youth and physical attractiveness to advance her own aviation goals?
This ranking doesn't bear a strong resemblance to rankings of physical attractiveness by country, but that makes sense: our analyzer calculates scores based only on features the subject has some control over.
Specifically, they argued that people in relationships are especially in tune how their own physical attractiveness stacks up relative to their partner.1 And when an individual perceives their partner is the relatively more attractive one, they will do things, subtly and not so subtly, to keep their hotter partner all to themselves.
It is suggested that persistent pursuit measures do not adequately assess behaviors that may be used more commonly by women, such as use of physical attractiveness or gossip to damage one's reputation.
In your show you mention a fascinating study done by three American universities that looked at physical attractiveness as it relates to a real estate professional's success.
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