Sentences with phrase «physical coordination»

Physical coordination refers to the ability of our body to perform movements smoothly and accurately. It involves the brain, muscles, and senses working together effectively. Good physical coordination helps us balance, move, and perform tasks with control and precision. Full definition
The medications may also improve physical coordination, such as handwriting and ability in sports.
They also aim to develop the children's social skills, emotional growth, and physical coordination using The Creative Curriculum.
A chance to participate in the process offers children practice in physical coordination and self - care.
Children thereby acquire physical fitness, develop physical coordination and participate in team games.
The benefits Through the learning of an instrument, motor skills are developed, leading to enhanced physical coordination.
Play time is a way for cats to get exercise, develop and maintain physical coordination, challenge themselves mentally, and satisfy their natural drive to hunt.
Sleep deprivation is also shown to reduce cognitive ability, reduce emotional stability, decrease immune system functions and decrease physical coordination.
Ability to blend creativity into regular lessons and incorporating activities - based learning programs to assist with the development of children's basic skills, including physical coordination and speech and communication.
This will help you prevent insulin and leptin resistance, type II diabetes, fight obesity, improve liver health, decrease inflammation levels and improve physical coordination.
It is a way for cats to get exercise, develop and maintain physical coordination, challenge themselves mentally, and satisfy their natural drive to hunt.
• Fitness: Builds excellent physical coordination, balance, speed, power, focus, agility, cardiovascular and core strength • Sport: Offers the opportunity for National and International Competition.
But neither in the Babe's nor Both's case did this God - given physical coordination come with the gift of staying out of the wrong section of the papers.
The Sandlot focuses on Scotty (David Guiry)-- the archetypical simpering little nerd with so little physical coordination that his ability to walk is something of a miracle — and his attempt to assimilate into a group of lovable oddball rejects.
If a police officer has reasonable grounds to suspect that a person has alcohol or drugs in their body and has operated a motor vehicle within the preceding three hours, the officer may demand physical coordination tests or a breath sample.
They also aim to develop the children's social skills, emotional growth, and physical coordination using the Montessori method.
Scientists think the cerebellum helps in physical coordination.
Playing with their litter mates helps them develop physical coordination, teaches them social skills, and gives them an opportunity to exploring ranking (who's «in charge»).
Through each swat, pounce, and kick they are enhancing physical coordination and honing social skills.
With littermates, the puppy learns to play, develops social skills, learns the inhibited bite, explores his or her social boundaries and improves physical coordination.
This one hour takes me to the highest level of concentration and physical coordination.
No one could, for instance, no matter how fine his eyesight or physical coordination, hit a major - league pitch with a cylindrical bat if there were not some prior attunement on his part to the subtle spiritual force that flows through all things, a sort of Zen cultivation of the mindless mind, in which the impossible is accomplished because it somehow simply accomplishes itself in us.
Concentration is on early literacy, critical thinking, problem solving, social understanding, physical coordination, creativity, cooperation and self control.
The sensory experiences she receives are what connects those circuits into that which is necessary for language, vision, understanding, physical coordination and loving.
Brain and nervous system development, immune system strength, learning capacity, stress coping strategies, emotional stability and physical coordination are all experience dependent.
They also aim to develop the children's social skills, emotional growth, and physical coordination.
Another physical sign of potty training readiness is physical coordination.
By early elementary school — age 6 or 7 — most kids have the physical coordination and attention span, plus the ability to grasp rules, which they need to play organized sports.
Our time in dreamland dictates so much about the rest of our lives... our mood, our focus, our immune function and ability to heal, even our physical coordination (anyone else covered in bruises just from walking around the house?
-- When at the age of about 7 months the infant starts waving it means that now he has physical coordination to wave himself.
While the new gear can be used by all kids, it is designed especially for children on the autism spectrum and with sensory processing disorder to improve their balance, social interaction and physical coordination.
The health risks range from problems with memory and physical coordination, to motor vehicle accidents and mental health or dependence problems.
Now he is a year and a half old and his cognitive abilities and physical coordination are astounding.
Meditation induces the calmer alpha waves in the brain, which is usually experienced during deep relaxation, and can in turn improve memory, physical coordination and mental clarity.
Simon's a brilliant musician, and as an actor he has perfect pitch — his timing, rhythm and physical coordination have a musical fluency.
By contrast, a goal for children with cerebral palsy, a brain disorder that typically manifests itself in difficulty with speech and physical coordination, may be to work on correct hand, arm, or seating positions that will allow them to use an augmentative communication system.
The activities and curriculum therefore promote the development of social skills, emotional growth, and physical coordination, as well as cognitive preparation.
Interacting with people is critical at this stage, as the puppy now learns inhibited bite, social boundaries, physical coordination, and hierarchy.
Social and object play increases their physical coordination and social skills.
Play is important for kittens because it increases their physical coordination, social skills and learning limits.
They're also learning to play, including social skills, inhibited bite, social structure / ranking and physical coordination.
Play is important to help puppies increase their physical coordination, social skills and learning limits.
Play is important for puppies because it increases their physical coordination, social skills, and learning limits.
Surfing is arguably the most challenging sport in the world and requires you to learn much more than physical coordination.
Therefore, active listening, communication, customer service, physical coordination, and social perceptiveness are among the best soft skills to list on your waiter resume.
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