Sentences with phrase «physical custody of the child»

The court may be inclined to award the family home to the spouse with primary physical custody of children.
In certain situations, the court may grant one parent sole physical custody of a child following a divorce.
Whether you intend to ask for shared physical custody of your child or seek sole physical custody, you need to review your state's custody laws and court cases.
A kinship adoption is an adoption by a relative of the child, who has had physical custody of the child for at least one year.
«Joint physical custody» means the same thing as «shared parenting» and is where both parents have equal legal custody — but not always equal physical custody of the child.
The court decides on the legal and physical custody of a child in according to the best interests of the child and without regard to the sex of the parent.
When the court grants physical custody of the child to a parent, the child lives with that parent and does not live with the other parent.
In other words, it's possible for parents to share legal custody, but only one maintains physical custody of the children.
Most joint custody agreements will grant both parents with joint physical custody of the child while granting only one parent with legal custody of the child.
Parents share legal and physical custody of a child if they were married when the child was born or if paternity was established by a court of law.
Therefore, if you want sole or shared physical custody of your child after the divorce, you may wish to ask for this — rather than visitation — in your temporary order.
Day to day decisions such as bedtime or meals are at the discretion of the parent who has physical custody of the child at the time.
Mothers, according to many authors, receive primary parenting responsibilities and physical custody of the children far more often than fathers.
Prior to filing for divorce, married parents share legal custody and physical custody of their child equally.
Families usually have physical custody of their child during their entire stay.
As parenting roles have changed over time, the father may not agree that the mother should gain physical custody of the children.
That often comes with some real financial and career risks, especially if the couple then divorces, but often divorced moms end up with full or partial physical custody of their children.
When parents have joint custody, they have equal decision making rights, although one parent may have physical custody of the child significantly more than the other parent.
One parent might have greater physical custody of the children, or more parenting responsibilities than the other.
It is a common misconception that custody means physical custody of the child, or who the child lives with.
A court will want to consider everything when it is attempting to determine how best to split marital assets and debts, and to whom physical custody of the children will be awarded.
A parent with joint legal custody may have physical custody of the child less than 50 percent of the time.
Also keep in mine that the courts generally awards at least physical custody of children to the mother unless is is proven in court that she is not capable.
In situations where physical custody of a child is shared, a schedule may also be court - ordered.
Questions include physical custody of the children, primary residence of the child (for public school attendance) and parental responsibilities of each parent.
However, parents might share legal custody but not physical custody of their child, or vice versa.
Today, such arrangements are more rare, and in order to lessen disruption of the child's routine, one parent is usually given primary physical custody of the child.
When a parent is awarded sole physical custody of a child, it means the child resides with and is under the supervision of only one parent.
Mothers and fathers who are splitting up may both seek and be awarded physical custody of their child.
Without a written agreement, the parent who has physical custody of the child for more than half the year will get the dependency exemption.
For example, if you want to have joint physical custody of your children, it is best to have a clearly articulated and written parenting plan prior to moving into a different residence.
Mothers, according to many authors, receive primary parenting responsibilities and physical custody of the children far more often than fathers.
The custodial parent has complete legal and physical custody of the child at all times.
Joint custody may still involve an unequal sharing of physical custody of the child, but the parents share the decision - making authority.
A minor's guardian can take physical custody of a child by court order and make decisions regarding the child's health, education and legal needs.
Example: Mother and Father have divorced, and share legal custody of Child, while Mother is given physical custody of Child.
From an Orange County family law perspective, if a parent who was awarded sole legal and sole physical custody of a child on post-judgment matter died, the surviving parent is not automatically granted custody.
If a parent has been granted physical custody of a child by a court or other ruling body, this means that the parent has the right to have the child live with him or her.
Father filed a petition for mediation seeking physical custody of the children in June 2007 followed by a petition to modify custody.
Thus, if a parent with physical custody of her child subsequently moves in with her boyfriend, the other parent could challenge custody based on the morality clause if he is unhappy with that arrangement.
a parenting plan that determines legal and physical custody of the child as well as a visitation schedule to the non-custodial parent, and
The Youth Treatment Center also offers shelter care, which is a short - term, non-secure residential care and physical custody of children whose cases are pending court action.
JOINT PHYSICAL CUSTODY - a form of custody of minor children in which the parents share the actual physical custody of the child.
The other type of custody arrangement is known as joint custody, which provides both parents with the right to make major decisions about their child's upbringing, and in some cases requires the parents to share physical custody of the child such that the child spends equal, or close to equal, amounts of time living with each parent.
Short - term care for residents at the home typically results in a stay under 30 days, non-secure residential care and physical custody of children pending court action.
Regarding the article «Fathers Seek Parity in Custody Cases» (U.S. News, April 17), opponents of 50/50 physical custody of children invariably trot out the old argument that shared custody works only for parents who can cooperate.

Phrases with «physical custody of the child»

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