Sentences with phrase «physical gratification»

This is the case with sexual addiction where the motive is basically physical gratification.
Also, when sex is acceptable, many men use women merely for physical gratification, leaving both partners feeling empty and unsatisfied.
It is defiled when done for physical gratification, which most se - x is these days, whether same or opposite se - x, whether in marriage or not.
However, his definition of sexuality here is beautiful in that it relates to one's relational capacity rather than physical gratification.
Lust is clearly the exploitation of another for the sake of my physical gratification.
It just means he has more respect for women than to use them for physical gratification when he isn't committed to them).
A loveless act is one that is «coercive, debasing to others» sensitivities, utterly impersonal, [or] obsessed solely by physical gratification
That the bragging happened a decade ago doesn't change the reality that a man who might be president sees half the country's population not just as objects for his own aesthetic gratification — we knew that thanks to the beauty pageants and the string of model wives — but objects for his physical gratification as well, regardless of how the women in question feel about it.

Not exact matches

The mystery of love in God's creation is nowhere more powerfully revealed than in this: the sexual attraction which man shares with the animals is immediate, self - centred, and gratifying, yet it leads to the possibility of a love which requires commitment and loyalty and in which physical and emotional gratification become sacraments of the spirit.
The obsessive interest in the history of the body has been fuelled by the AIDS epidemic; it also reflects the concerns of a secular and hedonistic age, preoccupied with physical health and instinctual gratification.
The church's «Nine Satanic Statements» hold that Satan «represents all of the so - called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification
So start practicing delayed gratification and give your child the skills she needs to manage her verbal and physical impulses better.
«A person's ability to delay gratification is not just a curiosity, it's integrally important to physical and mental health,» Palmer said.
There's nothing better than playing with your kids, especially roughhousing and getting outside, but in our age of instant gratification, technology, work, and keeping up appearances, it takes considerable effort to instill a love of fitness and physical activity before our short window closes.
There are several reasons that can lead someone to engage into hookup dating and this include instant physical and emotional gratification.
«Encouraging kids to move their friendships online will interfere with and displace the face - to - face interactions and play that are crucial for building healthy developmental skills, including the ability to read human emotion, delay gratification, and engage with the physical world.»
I'm talking about the emotional, physical, spiritual, or just plain psychological toll that we pay when we push to achieve our career goals and delay gratification in other areas of our...
The future of retailing lies at the intersection of the virtual world and the physical experience where the choices are infinite, the gratification is immediate, and the service is personal.
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