Sentences with phrase «physical health caused»

The deterioration of psychiatric and physical health caused by borderline personality disorder (BPD) rivals that of bipolar disorder, according to Mark Zimmerman, M.D., a researcher at Rhode Island Hospital.

Not exact matches

«Psychologists Robert Emmons and Laura King discovered that the anxiety that results from having too many conflicting goals causes our productivity as well as our physical and mental health to suffer,» reports the book, «so the to - do list gives and takes.
With science showing sleep deprivation creates a host of negative effects, from decreased creativity to radically compromised mental performance (and that's not even getting into the physical problems it causes), attending to your body's need for sleep is always a good idea, but failing to get enough rest also exacerbates our tendency to get stressed out, so it's even more important to pay attention to if you feel your mental health is getting a little shaky.
Physicals akin to those required for life insurance - the overly obese will pay signficantly more Medicare and universal health insurance (unless the obesity is caused by a medical condition).
The second major exception to the general rule that physical effects have physical causes is in the area of health and illness.
The connections between our mental / emotional health and our physical health were just too apparent, with cause and effect running in both directions.
A compassionate frame of mind has a positive effect on our mental and physical health, as well as on our social life, while the lack of empathy has been found to cause or aggravate serious social, psychological and even physical disorders.
Physicals akin to those required for life insurance - the overly ob - ese will pay signficantly more Medicare and universal health insurance (unless the obe - sity is caused by a medical condition).
In the last chapter we specifically noted that health and illness stand as a common sense exception to the requirement that finite physical effects have finite physical causes.
Pete: My beautiful, mindful daughters Chilli and Indii follow a paleo - style diet too, so they avoid gluten, wheat, other grains [which can cause inflammation], refined sugar and dairy and their physical and mental health is thriving.
«The Global Burden of Disease Study 2010, from where the quoted study has obtained their data, suggests that in Australia the biggest causes of mortality or poor health include factors such as obesity, smoking, poor diet and low physical activity.
* Food Is Your Best Medicine by Henry Bieler * The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America's Favorite Health Food by Kaala Daniel * Know Your Fats: The Complete Primer for Understanding the Nutrition of Fats, Oils and Cholesterol by Mary Enig, PhD * Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, PhD * Eat Fat, Lose Fat: The Healthy Alternative to Trans Fats by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, PhD * The Body Ecology Diet: Recovering Your Health and Rebuilding Your Immunity by Donna Gates * Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston Price * Real Food: What to Eat and Why by Nina Planck * Full Moon Feast: Food and the Hunger for Connection by Jessica Prentice * The Diet Cure by Julia Ross * The Cholesterol Myths: Exposing the Fallacy That Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease by Uffe Ravnskov * Traditional Foods Are Your Best Medicine: Improving Health and Longevity with Native Nutrition by Ron Schmid, ND * The Untold Story of Milk, Revised and Updated: The History, Politics and Science of Nature's Perfect Food: Raw Milk from Pasture - Fed Cows by Ron Schmid, ND * The Schwarzbein Principle: The Truth About Losing Weight, Being Healthy, and Feeling Younger by Diana Schwarzbein, MD
It has long been said that tobacco and alcohol use during pregnancy can cause severe physical and mental health complications, but new studies out of Harvard School of Public Health suggest adding a few more common chemicals to your blachealth complications, but new studies out of Harvard School of Public Health suggest adding a few more common chemicals to your blacHealth suggest adding a few more common chemicals to your blacklist.
The organization said that bodily punishment can cause negative, long - term effects in children like «increased aggression, antisocial behavior, physical injury and mental health
There are some physical health problems that cause hyperactivity.
It may cause «significant risk» to baby's physiological and physical health.
And healing is in the feeling and expressing emotions healthfully so they do not get stuck and cause physical and psychological health problems.
Physical punishment is associated with a range of mental health problems in children, youth and adults, including depression, unhappiness, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, use of drugs and alcohol, and general psychological maladjustment.26 — 29 These relationships may be mediated by disruptions in parent — child attachment resulting from pain inflicted by a caregiver, 30,31 by increased levels of cortisol32 or by chemical disruption of the brain's mechanism for regulating stress.33 Researchers are also finding that physical punishment is linked to slower cognitive development and adversely affects academic achievement.34 These findings come from large longitudinal studies that control for a wide range of potential confounders.35 Intriguing results are now emerging from neuroimaging studies, which suggest that physical punishment may reduce the volume of the brain's grey matter in areas associated with performance on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, third edition (WAIS - III).36 In addition, physical punishment can cause alterations in the dopaminergic regions associated with vulnerability to the abuse of drugs and alPhysical punishment is associated with a range of mental health problems in children, youth and adults, including depression, unhappiness, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, use of drugs and alcohol, and general psychological maladjustment.26 — 29 These relationships may be mediated by disruptions in parent — child attachment resulting from pain inflicted by a caregiver, 30,31 by increased levels of cortisol32 or by chemical disruption of the brain's mechanism for regulating stress.33 Researchers are also finding that physical punishment is linked to slower cognitive development and adversely affects academic achievement.34 These findings come from large longitudinal studies that control for a wide range of potential confounders.35 Intriguing results are now emerging from neuroimaging studies, which suggest that physical punishment may reduce the volume of the brain's grey matter in areas associated with performance on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, third edition (WAIS - III).36 In addition, physical punishment can cause alterations in the dopaminergic regions associated with vulnerability to the abuse of drugs and alphysical punishment is linked to slower cognitive development and adversely affects academic achievement.34 These findings come from large longitudinal studies that control for a wide range of potential confounders.35 Intriguing results are now emerging from neuroimaging studies, which suggest that physical punishment may reduce the volume of the brain's grey matter in areas associated with performance on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, third edition (WAIS - III).36 In addition, physical punishment can cause alterations in the dopaminergic regions associated with vulnerability to the abuse of drugs and alphysical punishment may reduce the volume of the brain's grey matter in areas associated with performance on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, third edition (WAIS - III).36 In addition, physical punishment can cause alterations in the dopaminergic regions associated with vulnerability to the abuse of drugs and alphysical punishment can cause alterations in the dopaminergic regions associated with vulnerability to the abuse of drugs and alcohol.37
Prolonged use of cannabis is de-motivating, can cause psychotic conditions and is damaging to physical health.
Anorexia nervosa affects approximately 1 in 150 teenage girls in the UK and is one of leading causes of mental health related deaths, both through physical complications and suicide.
They determined that essential, effective treatment must involve a physical and breathing exam, a comprehensive health history of the patient and ask questions that may answer what triggers may cause an asthma attack.
The psychological damage caused by the attacks of September 11 mirrored the physical destruction and showed that protecting the public's mental health must be a component of the national defense
In this issue, experiments were conducted with sediment dwelling marine worms, showing that chemically inert microplastics of a size similar to sand grains from the beaches in which the worms lived caused physical harm (Wright et al.) whilst Browne et al. showed microplastic can move pollutants and additives to worms, reducing functions linked to health and biodiversity.
Unlike some other social media experiments, a flawed public health monitoring program can cause serious physical and economic harm to large numbers of people.
It may be possible to reduce all - cause death rates among older adults, including those who are obese, by promoting regular physical activity, such as brisk walking for 30 minutes or more on most days of the week (about 8 kcal / kg per week), which will keep most individuals out of the low - fitness category.43 Enhancing functional capacity also should allow older adults to achieve a healthy lifestyle and to enjoy longer life in better health.
Metabolic Syndrome, which includes obesity and diabetes, represents a major public health concern, caused by a combination of increased food consumption and reduced physical activities, with contributions from host genetics, environment and tissue inflammation.
Anxiety, depression, work or financial stressors, the use of porn as a masturbatory method (and its frequency), consumption of prescribed or recreational drugs and alcohol, and physical health can all cause erectile dysfunction.
The condition can affect a child's development and cause long - lasting physical and mental health problems.
Unresolved emotions such as pent - up anger and unreleased grief are just as likely to cause ill health as physical digestive issues in the gut.
You may suffer from physical ailments such as headaches, back and joint pains, anger; psychological traumas such as depression, anxiety, and other mental health illnesses; and liver dysfunctions, all of which cause discomfort and sickness.
The root cause of mental health issues is part physical imbalance (e.g., chronic inflammation, thyroid dysfunction, autoimmunity, hormone imbalance, blood sugar dysregulation, chronic sleep deprivation), and part psychospiritual (e.g., history of trauma, cognitive distortions, social isolation, chronic stress, living out of alignment with the way human beings evolved to thrive — eating real food, moving their bodies, sleeping in darkness, breathing fresh air, drinking clean water, seeing the sun, connected to nature, and deeply rooted in community).
According to the American Psychiatric Association, a key sign of substance dependence is when a person continues to use a substance even when he or she knows it's causing physical or mental health problems.
Hypochondria This intense preoccupation with physical health can cause sufferers to worry that minor and imagined physical symptoms are signs of a serious illness.
After a thorough health analysis — which involves a detailed health history, physical and labs, a cause can often be identified.
To satisfy his curiosity as to the cause of this unhealthy trend, Price traveled the globe for ten years to study the effects of modern foods on dental health and physical development.
Living under a constant barrage of stress is a primary cause of thyroid and other health problems, declares Dr. Dekel, who estimates that 80 percent of our physical manifestations arise from negative emotions.
Being dehydrated can greatly affect your health, causing problems to both your physical and mental well being and having an impact of how well you are able to exercise.
(NaturalHealth365) Chronic physical, emotional or psychological stress can cause serious health problems like, asthma, depression, migraines, heart disease and cancer.
«Lavandula oil preparation had a significant beneficial influence on quality and duration of sleep and improved general mental and physical health without causing any unwanted sedative or other drug specific effects.
Deficiency in this essential fat can cause or contribute to very serious health problems, both mental and physical, and may be a significant underlying factor of up to 96,000 premature deaths each year.
Omega - 3 deficiency can cause or contribute to very serious health problems, both mental and physical, and may be a significant underlying factor of up to 96,000 premature deaths each year.
My approach to health is individualized, targeting the root cause of any illness, while being mindful of all aspects, including physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
Fortunately, skilled pelvic health physical therapists often have the time to really address our patient's issues from the root cause.
This stress takes a toll on physical and mental health, may even cause a panic attack or breakdown.
I believe that what we eat has a lot to do with the health of our brains, though of course mental illness (like physical illness) has multifactorial causes, and by no means should we diminish the importance of addressing all the causes in each individual.
That can only show you immediate cause / effect, but the effect of many suspect foods is insidious... like the way gluten can destroy the villi, and leave a person a physical and mental wreck, with a myriad of health problems that seem impossible to unravel.
Severe, unrelenting physical (major accident, etc.), chemical (acute exposure to a massive dose of a toxin, etc.) or emotional -LRB-(un) expected death, etc.) stressors can actually «cause» health problems.
Omega - 3 deficiency can cause or contribute to serious health problems, both mental and physical, and may be a significant underlying factor of up to 96,000 premature deaths each year.
-- PCOS should be also regarded as a condition caused by a physical response to a poor mental health (depression and anxiety) and emotional stress.
But I just though that the physical changes were from getting older and the other symptoms were caused from travelling and also the past issues I'd had with gut health.
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