Sentences with phrase «physical human contact»

At the entrance four arm - length panels suggesting door handles and necessitate physical human contact as the viewer passes into the gallery.
No, we're talking no physical human contact for days on end, with only a voice on the phone for company.

Not exact matches

To regard the ordinary embodied experience of men and women as theologically significant in a positive way is to receive all these images of physical delight, of beauty and ecstasy, of human growth and nurture, of the contact between human persons that the touching of bodies can make possible.
It is sacramental not only because physical contact is employed to express and increase human love but also because the human relationship in love is symbolic of, an expressive medium for, and a representation and effectual sign that enables a deep relationship with God, for God is Love and acts ever lovingly in and toward humanity.
It is brilliant because it is an astounding act of physical excellence — most humans couldn't even get the leg around there; most footballers couldn't hope to control the resultant contact enough to send the ball arcing precisely beyond the keeper — but also the achievement of that act of physical excellence requires a mental contortion of similar audacity.
The Attachment Parenting approach can be regarded as parenting guided by nature's lead — being attuned to our own feelings and instincts as well as our child's needs, such as following our natural instincts to breastfeed, respond to a crying baby and provide ample physical contact to a developing human baby.
In addition to the physical benefits, your child is stimulated mentally by their environment rather than direct human contact.
Physical contact, skin to skin and human connection enables babies and children to «reset» and balance their emotions through the release of hormones.
Comparative evolutionary studies indicate that human infants are poorly neurologically developed at birth, and thus require close physical contact for safety, physiological regulation and frequent feeding.
Carrying or wearing an infant in a sling, keeping the infant in constant human contact, and breast feeding on demand are the biological design for optimal physical, intellectual and emotional human development.
This plan will include providing positive physical contact with humans that encourages exercise through play and other similar activities;
American Physical Society, Committee on International Freedom of Scientists Contact: Herbert L. Berk, Chair; Michele Irwin, Committee Administrator CIFS is responsible for monitoring concerns regarding human rights for scientists throughout the world.
Amnesty International USA — Individuals and Risk program Contact: Email Amnesty International is a grassroots activist organization which undertakes research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression, and freedom from discrimination, within the context of its work to promote all human rights.
And after physical contact at the surface, Keiko swam away, seeking out human company on the tracking boat.
Human and bacterial cells interact in a number of ways, including physical cell - to - cell contact in which molecules are passed back and forth between the cells.
Dogs can serve as props for humans, but there is always physical contact between dogs and their human partners, allowing healthy energy to flow between each other.
, cheating (it's harder to resist someone you're finally attracted to or who makes you feel desired), nitpicking (the unhappy partner gets naggy and picks on the most insignificant things), pulling away (both physical and emotional distance from partner), lack of respect (insulting a partner in public or private, constantly comparing them to others), and lack of affection (no physical contact or human touch, no proximity).
Humans need physical contact.
Bill is correct that sex is one of the most powerful and least understand aspects of the human experience, but he's still learning that there's more to making a human connection than simple physical contact.
Scientific research has shown that a dog's gaze or physical contact increases oxytocin in the human brain; increasing trust, evoking feelings of contentment, reducing anxiety, and replacing those feelings with calmness and security.
Mildly submissive dogs wilt when scolded and need physical contact with humans for security; severely submissive dogs try to avoid eye contact and may become fear biters, especially if cornered or stared at by children.
Irresponsible = no health, temperament, or physical soundness testing; no criteria in selecting breeding pairs; puppies raised away from (almost constant) human contact; puppies sold to brokers, stores or other «middlemen»; puppies sold to anyone that has the right amount of money; no follow - up on puppies sold; does not take back ANY animal they have EVER produced; does not know the history of their breed; makes new «designer» breeds for profit; only breeds F1 crosses of new «designer» breeds.
Humans show each other affection through physical contact; we even physically touch strangers upon greeting with a handshake.
Regular physical contact with pets has been shown to lower blood pressure and increase human longevity.
Musical chairs is meant to be a non-contact sport; with the exception of two human rear ends making contact when attempting to sit simultaneously on the same seat, physical contact with any dog or other competitors is not allowed.
Like humans, dogs need love, respect, security and physical contact.
The mewling heard during the stand off is distressing to human ears, but is a perfectly natural way for cats to have the conversation necessary to avoid physical contact.
For the purpose of this article «socialization» means physical contact with other dogs or with human beings.
OC Animal Care will respond to situations regarding any wildlife that is sick, injured, dead (depending on contract city), or has had physical contact with a human or domestic animal.
Having been confined for years with no or limited exercise, socialization and human contact results in severe physical and mental / behavioral conditions.
(4) animals must be provided daily enrichment and must be provided positive physical contact with human beings and compatible animals at least twice daily unless a veterinarian determines such activities would adversely affect the health or well - being of the animal.
Describing the core human needs addressed in the exhibition, «We wished to investigate our need for simple physical contact in a world where the virtual arena often seems to have so much more to offer,» the pair explain.
Through the display of the artists» new works, the exhibition addresses themes of postgenderism and considers how humans are progressively losing contact with the physical body through the increasing automation of sexual pleasure.
The subject was perfect for Grossman: Coney Island was a landscape of human flesh, an endless index of physical gesture, contact, and vulnerability.»
Human is powerful enough to improve the climate Suez Canal is the best proof; if they dug a canal to have physical contact between Mexican Gulf and east Pacific — will produce bigger ice age than LIA — bad.
If you are facing adverse treatment due to a physical or mental disability, or other human rights violation, contact the offices of Guelph employment lawyer Peter McSherry.
Certain human resource manuals in some businesses are being re-written to caution against unwelcome social interchange with, for example, strict time measurements imposed on physical contact, such as a brief embrace.
When a relationship ends, along with the sexual life that accompanied it, there is a void of physical contact and intimacy with another human being.
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