Sentences with phrase «physical point of view»

From a purely physical point of view and without any moral judgment, fiat money is reversible thanks to the centralized nature of the banking system.
«In 2014 he had a couple of difficulties from physical point of view.
From a purely physical point of view yoga teacher training can give you the tools to enhance your asana practice.
In a desperate attempt to maintain a relationship in the only ways possible (identification and alliance) with the parent who is, at the end of the alienation process, the only parent from a psychological and sometimes physical point of view, the child will mirror the personality and the distorted perceptions of the alienating parent.
From a physical point of view, they should have been able to outscrap Tottenham last weekend.
But they played clearly to let the game go until the period where we would be logically in some trouble from a physical point of view.
From a physical point of view, those two [components] are very different, and it required a lot of theoretical and experimental work to successfully make the substitution,» Schwartz says.
From a physical point of view, we increase the order and thus energy in our mind.
From a physical point of view, energy in the dimension of time thus increases.
From a physical point of view, the subtle muscle contractions already described by the Nāṭh Yogis straighten up within the Earth's field of gravity.
From a physical point of view, we function best eating the foods that we evolved to eat.
Indeed, this job is very demanding from a physical point of view.
Although I have no knowledge of Momoa's acting ability, he definitely seems to be the best fit from a physical point of view.
As a small publisher, I have constraints as well — from a pure resource - effort point of view, ebooks are extremely simple from the physical point of view, and with regards to print - titles, we have chosen the more expensive, quality - oriented path, and yet we are still making money out of it.
Galileo, Descartes, Locke, etc., made a distinction between primary qualities, which are objective, and secondary qualities which are subjective, from the physical point of view the distinction being essentially that between measurable and non-measurable properties.
Her artistic process is highly involved from a physical point of view but also a meditative one as she maintains that she is not simply painting a meadow for example, but «growing» one, allowing her intuition to inform her process.
I can't disprove a GW link other than by pointing out that from a physical point of view this claim is as nonsensical as the groundhog routine.
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