Sentences with phrase «physical signs of love»

Boys respond well to physical signs of love, lots of hugs and kisses and food!

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That is why physical beauty in women (breasts and hips) are so attractive to males and wealth and power is an aphrodesiac for many women, while * love * is blind to the warning signs of a disordered personality.
It is sacramental not only because physical contact is employed to express and increase human love but also because the human relationship in love is symbolic of, an expressive medium for, and a representation and effectual sign that enables a deep relationship with God, for God is Love and acts ever lovingly in and toward humanlove but also because the human relationship in love is symbolic of, an expressive medium for, and a representation and effectual sign that enables a deep relationship with God, for God is Love and acts ever lovingly in and toward humanlove is symbolic of, an expressive medium for, and a representation and effectual sign that enables a deep relationship with God, for God is Love and acts ever lovingly in and toward humanLove and acts ever lovingly in and toward humanity.
It had these major points: Unwarranted anger is a sign of immaturity; anger is bad for your mental and physical health; don't let your anger smolder but replace it with love and forgiveness.
And while making the point about God's gifts to us, she sees the sacramental message that is written into creation itself: «Food is and always will be a sign built into the order of creation, physical nourishment that illuminates and spiritual nourishment we receive in Holy Communion... the more we see food in that light — the more we see it as a perpetual sign of God's goodness and love — the more fully we can understand the Eucharist as a holy and tremendous sacrifice in which love and gift, grace and life are bound up together.»
As much as I don't want my bookshelves to become part of this trail of obsolescence, I can already see early warning signs of my own desire for convenience — for instantly getting what I want, for not having to deal with mere objects in all their cumbersome actuality — beginning to outrank my love of the book as a physical thing.
We know our customers love physical books (glossy photography books; signed first - edition novels; letter - press editions; the sand - between - the - pages feel of a mass market paperback at the beach), but for many people, eReaders can be a practical addition to a literary life.
To make this bundle even sweeter, there are three fantastic physical tiers that include signed comics, Battlestar Galactica trade paperbacks, and - for fans who love BSG and more genre TV - rare Walking Dead and X-Files comics for a total savings of more than 80 %!
For authors — and for readers, too, I suspect — another significant pleasure afforded by physical books is the book signing; an opportunity for writers to meet (and thank) the people who let them keep doing the job they love, and for readers to interact with their favourite authors, and complain about the unsatisfactory endings of their best - known books.
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Signs of Nursing Home Abuse in Kentucky: Physical Abuse There are signs that you can look for to determine if your loved one is suffering nursing home aSigns of Nursing Home Abuse in Kentucky: Physical Abuse There are signs that you can look for to determine if your loved one is suffering nursing home asigns that you can look for to determine if your loved one is suffering nursing home abuse.
That's why it's important, even if there are no immediate signs of injury, that you seek medical attention immediately after you or a loved one has been in an accident or any other physical trauma.
We help families get answers when their loved ones show signs of physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect or mistreatment.
If the sexual abuse is forceful in nature, you may notice physical signs on your loved one, such as bruising in the breast and thigh areas, discomfort when sitting, genital itching, bleeding from the anus or vagina, or even diagnosis of a sexually transmitted disease.
She could learn to recognize his physical contact as a sign of love.
Missing out on kissing, hugging, and other forms of physical love a sign that your relationship is in danger of losing the love it so desperately needs to flourish.
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