Sentences with phrase «physically going to the classroom»

Say goodbye to physically going to the classroom.
As per preview, an online driving education allows the driver to learn the basic of driving, and the rules and regulations of the state, and the best of defensive driving without physically going to the classroom of the driving school.

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Being able to learn new skills online can be an easy and self - directed way to acquire knowledge without strict time constraints and physically going into a classroom.
And if we understand how this works — if you think about it, if you're in a classroom where you feel psychologically and physically safe and secure because your teacher is doing a great job of leading and developing a space that you feel like you're prepared to have a go and participate, take risks, because we need that to occur in learning.
Physically visiting your schools of interest, checking out the classrooms, play areas, and becoming acquainted with the teachers will go a long way in helping you make your final decision about where to apply.
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