Sentences with phrase «physically hit another person»

Not exact matches

When a disaster hit we had technology people in all of those offices physically carry the servers out of the country offices with them and then reinstall them wherever we were going to operate.
If Jeff Bagwell can be kept out of the Hall of Fame because he had the temerity to hit home runs and be physically fit, imagine what people would have said about those light - hitting shortstops.
Just because a person isn't hitting or being physically abusive, doesn't mean he or she is not still an abuser.
But there are other incidents that are more extreme that I hear where people are actually physically putting their hands on the mother and the baby, or throwing items at them and hitting them so hard that it causes damage - the baby to be hurt.
I hope he's not as unsettled next time you see him, but the only real way to deal with it is to protect yourself physically and let him know that it's not acceptable to hurt another person, but that he can hit -LCB- a pillow, the couch, his bed -RCB- if he feels like he needs to hit something.
If you see — or even just think of — a person who gets whacked in the foot, for instance, your nervous system responds as if you yourself had been hit in the same spot, even though you don't perceive the pain physically.
One major symptom is REM sleep behavior disorder, in which people physically act out their dreams, thrash, kick or hit, potentially injuring themselves and others.
The compere was funny, the audience provided ample people - watching opportunities (the guy in front of me filmed the entire show on his iPad, the guy behind me kept whooping so loudly when bras came off, that we could physically hear his girlfriend repeatedly hitting him!).
Aggressive behaviors towards another person refers to any physically aggressive behaviors that might harm another person including hitting, pushing, hair pulling, toy grabbing, throwing objects directly at someone.
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