Sentences with phrase «physically move your hand»

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«But when you're locked to a couch and the only way to move your leg is to physically lift it with your hands, well, all these things we do every day are taken away, and you have to come to grips with yourself and spend a lot of time in your own head.
Kids need first - hand engagement — they need to manipulate objects physically, engage all their senses, and move and interact with the 3 - dimensional world.
But physically it's a simple shift: instead of moving left, your hand went right.
Had those same hacks actually watched the film, they would've seen an extraordinarily moving and unguarded portrait of loneliness and existential bemusement as Akerman's beloved mother deteriorates physically and mentally in front of her hand - held camera.
Whenever a trainer adds anything unpleasant to the environment (intimidating body language, yelling, making upsetting noises, using a collar to put any pressure on a dog's neck, moving the animal physically by leash or hand), the trainer is not, by definition, using positive reinforcement to teach.
Miller says that PlayStation Move and Wii MotionPlus has allowed Redoubt to accurately map a player's hand and arm position, creating «much more of a connection between what the player is physically doing, and what is represented on screen allowing you to «feel» the game by both «doing» and «seeing».»
Finally, after the sun had set, a ring of people formed outside as some tried their hand at Johann Sebastian Joust, a no - graphics, physically interactive «game» utilizing players holding PlayStation Move motion controllers that are very sensitive to motion and can't be jostled too much.
With a trampoline and a Sony Move controller you will physically hop around Key's incandescent world, and in doing so you will embody mankind's eternal torment at the brawny hands of gravity.
The other side is comprised of those that feel these aren't even video games, as you physically don't do anything except move in a straight line while the story is hand fed to you.
With some of the more physically demanding titles — especially Job Simulator — the single camera can lose sight of your hands making it almost impossible to carry out certain moves.
Try reading Herschel's own words on his experiments — his measuring was crude, by hand physically moving the prism to find the «edge» between visible and invisible.
I am physically fit, possess good hand dexterity and strength, and am able to stand, stoop, move equipment, bend, reach, and lift for prolonged periods of time.
But a good power move is to physically act as if your very integrity has been violated when your spouse dares to reach out to hold your hand.
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