Sentences with phrase «physicians recommend»

Influenza vaccine: Many physicians recommend both adults and children get a flu shot each year.
Some physicians recommend antibiotic treatment of tick - exposed people even before any symptoms occur.
Just as physicians recommend yearly physicals for their patients, our pets need to be examined at least once a year to maintain their health.
Pomegranates and natural cold remedies may have more in common than studies have revealed to date, but if you look closely at how physicians recommend you bolster your immune system to prevent or fight a cold, you'll see how pomegranate fruit and juice may be helpful to you.
You will have some physicians recommend vaccines because individuals with autoimmune diseases have a compromised immune system while others may advise against.
Most physicians recommend eating a healthy diet, drinking lots of water, hormone balancing diets and use of vaginal lubricants.
Until we have randomized control data, we can't have physicians recommend patients not get hit in the head.
Dr. Christopher and many naturopathic physicians recommend making fresh apple juice with Granny Smith apples to get the daily dose of malic acid.
Most physicians recommend 2,000 I.U. in two doses after a full meal, like breakfast and dinner.
Some physicians recommend a fish - oil supplement, but talk with your doctor first — supplements can react with medications or cause allergic reactions.
[9] Supplement tips: German physicians recommend 600 mg of alpha - lipoic acid daily to treat diabetic complications.
For example, some physicians recommend taking ginger capsules when it comes to treating arthritis pain and inflammation.
The physicians recommend a tummy tuck surgery if it is a medical necessity as reconstructive surgery or if it... Continue Reading →
Nutritionists and physicians recommend a healthy, balanced diet to control your weight and your psoriasis, as well as lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke (which are elevated in people with psoriasis).
Scientific tests prove that brand A is better than B, or, you know, 20,000 physicians recommend Camels, and so forth.
2006 — Merck's HPV vaccine, Gardasil, is approved for use in the U.S., and physicians recommend vaccinating all young girls before they become sexually active.
Today, many physicians recommend physical therapy to relieve the discomfort experienced by pregnant women and help prepare the pregnant body for an easier delivery and recovery process.
If you want to try alternative therapies, some lactation consultants and nursing - friendly physicians recommend applying gentian violet to your baby's mouth.
Even under these conditions, some physicians recommend avoiding sex in the last week or two before the due date.
Some physicians recommend that healthy people take «daily» vitamins only every other day - that's what mine told me to do.
For example, labs take DNA samples from patients being tested for cancer and runs tests to detect if mutations typically associated with cancer are present; a diagnostician then examines those genetic mutations and compares them to known instances; finally, based on that information a physician recommends a course of treatment.
The physician recommends IVF, but the $ 10,000 price tag is too much.
As a pharmacist, I see many physicians recommending and prescribing products.
When they clocked 20 hours since my water broke and I was still only 6 cm, the attending physician recommended a C - section and our midwife, who had accompanied us to the hospital agreed.
But since it appears that SOME kind of justification can almost always be found, I would say that a c - section that a physician recommends largely because they are attempting to protect themselves from possible litigation (as per Dr. Amy's first post in this blog)... I would also consider those «elective.».
For more on these studies, check out Breastfeeding Beyond a Year and the studies cited therein (along with the reference to physicians recommending extended breastfeeding), A Natural Age of Weaning by Kathryn Dettwyler, Natural Weaning by Norma Jane Bumgarner, and
For parents of a different ethnicity, a still small portion, 11 percent, of the physicians recommended private banking — presumably because it's more difficult for these parents to find transplant matches.
Liegner vividly recalls one young man who had been treated for Lyme disease whose physician recommended hospitalizing him for long - term psychiatric care.
The team discovered that physicians recommended HPV vaccination to less than 15 percent of their male patients aged 9 to 26 years.
The college physician recommended further psychiatric evaluation, but Reidenbach's parents sent her instead to their family physician.
Specifically, Amy is alerted to her particularly high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and her physician recommends a rigorous program of diet and exercise that had been shown in a controlled study to delay or prevent disease onset.
A 2007 study published in American Family Physician recommended short - term use of kava for moderate anxiety disorders.
You probably already have insulin resistance syndrome if you have three of the following five symptoms: (1) A waist circumference of forty inches or more in males or thirty - four and one - half inches or more in females (2) Blood pressure that is equal to or greater than 130/85 (3) Blood triglycerides equal to or greater than 150 mg / dL (4) HDL («good cholesterol) under 40 mg / dL in males or under 50 in females (5) Fasting blood glucose that equals or exceeds 110 mg / dL If you have insulin resistance syndrome, do whatever your physician recommends.
If you have insulin resistance syndrome, do whatever your physician recommends.
Because of my digestive issues, however, my own Ayurvedic physician recommended that I start bone broth to help me heal my gut.
After you have a snapshot of where you're at, you can make a plan to course correct through nutrition, supplements or medicine, depending on what your physician recommends that is tailored to your unique biochemistry.
Despite following the guidelines her physician recommended (minimize carbohydrate intake, monitor blood glucose readings throughout the day), -LSB-...]
Not to mention that this method has little to no side effects too so you can have this treatment when your physician recommends.
Question and research every medication you are on or your physician recommends.
Therefore, Medical Review Officers will not verify a drug test as negative based upon information that a physician recommended that the employee use «medical marijuana.»
As an MRO, you are prohibited from doing the following as part of the verification process: (e) You must not verify a test negative based on information that a physician recommended that the employee use a drug listed in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act.
We also firmly reiterate that an MRO will not verify a drug test negative based upon information that a physician recommended that the employee use «medical marijuana» when states have passed «medical marijuana» initiatives.
(e) You must not verify a test negative based on information that a physician recommended that the employee use a drug listed in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act.
This letter must state that your physician recommends a service animal to help mitigate your disability, and not a therapy animal or emotional support animal.
Travel Guard Chartis Gold Deluxe's policy notes that if you get «if Your attending Physician recommends Your return after Your Emergency Medical Treatment, and if approved in advance by Us, We cover, via the most cost - effective itinerary, one (1) or more of:... the cost of air ambulance transportation, pre-approved and arranged by Us».
Some cases have suggested that need must be established by filing medical evidence, such as an affidavit from the first examining physician recommending a further examination by a health practitioner competent in another specialty.
In times past, physicians recommended wearing a cervical collar to immobilize the neck.
When Emergency Medical Evacuation or Repatriation is arranged and the attending Physician recommends that a family member travel with you, Seven Corners will provide support to coordinate the transportation of one individual of your choice, from your Home Country, to be at your side while you are hospitalized and then accompany you during your return to your Home Country.
It is notable that over 15 % of physicians recommended two or more psychoactive medications for this patient (a Third grade student), reflecting some concerns that have been raised regarding increased rates of polypharmacy use in young children.

Not exact matches

«We're be able to lead the way to where your physician has your label on their desktop, and they have access to resources that can tell them based on your particular genome certain medicines that are especially recommended or not recommended
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