Sentences with phrase «physics work»

In 1998, when we discovered that the expansion of the universe isn't slowing down — it's speeding up — we realized this could tell us something fundamental about how physics works.
Open world streaming slowdown is visibly improved while physics work can also see tangible improvements.
Gravity and physics work against the player on a table of this size, and the whole thing is really more of a novelty.
Beyond that, the weather and sailing physics worked as intended, and the act of sailing is plenty rewarding when you first get the hang of it.
Take this news with a grain of salt, as larger wired speakers will always be better for critical listening because that's just the way physics works.
When a tractor - trailer slams into a passenger sedan, basic physics works in the truck's favor.
APS and CAP, in partnership with the Mexican Physical Society (SMF) and FeLaSoFi, helped establish the Inter-American Physics Working Group in 1998.
Unfortunately, the results keep telling us the Standard Model of Particle Physics works phenomenally well, and what we're seeing now is another stunning success of that model.
The work of Karplus, Levitt and Warshel is ground - breaking in that they managed to make Newton's classical physics work side - by - side with the fundamentally different quantum physics.
In that case, the COLTRIMS experiments proved that the position of the Danish physicist Niels Bohr in the «Einstein - Bohr debates» 80 years ago was correct and, shortly before that, other physicists from the atomic physics work group used COLTRIMS to «film» the destruction of a molecule by a strong laser pulse — a reaction so fast that it can not be captured by an ordinary camera.
Physicist: Back in the day, Galileo came up with the «Galilean Equivalence Principle» (GEP) which states that all the laws of physics work exactly the
The outing becomes an exercise in giddiness, and the graphics are astounding, but even more important, the Force physics work.
The bad news is that returning to Just Cause 3 this month, nothing has really improved on base hardware - frame - rate is still visibly impacted by advanced physics work, large explosions and even traversing the open world (where we assume the CPU is tested as it streams in and decompresses open world data).
In saying that, though, the Germ Buster modes controls and physics work perfectly.
The good news is that even a 4Core 8Thread 1st Gen Ryzen CPU is 3 about 3 to 4X faster in unoptimized games that are demanding to run this generation, the CPU could still manage 2X + more performance and run more AI and Physics work loads.
We played through the first four chapters of Knack and noted some fairly impressive physics work, which we've compiled into this video - complete with performance analysis.
It's incredible how well the controllable ball physics work and how fun the single player campaign gameplay is.
I'm eternally and consistently comforted by the fact that physics works everywhere.
One paper introduced the special theory of relativity, which dramatically broke with Newton's universally accepted description of how physics worked.
This tight focus on outcomes, the role of the new breed of «scientist - manager», the hierarchically organised multidisciplinary programme under heavy government sponsorship, the fading distinction between the research scientist and the engineer, first seen at Los Alamos, were later found in many other establishments, both in the US and Europe, especially in weapons, reactor research, energy and particle physics work.
Although he never fully articulated it, this instinct for beauty would surface again and again in his very particular sense of how a proper law of physics worked, what proper math looked like, and the way nature should operate.
Something out of nothing is how physics works.
Seriously, I remember when I was in college, there would be these people, called professors, that would even say my answer is wrong and give me points off my test... the nerve of them how dare they not be open to my ideas and beliefs as to how physics work, or what Poe point was, or what actually happen during Roman occupation....
The physics works just as well, and identically, either way.
«It is not in space yet, but we have no doubts that the physics works,» said Ariel.
The physics work best with the new weapons such as the water cannon and water balloon and less so with the environmental aspects.
For those who want an in - depth look at Hawking's physics work, sorry!
So how do the physics work on this blasted contraption?
Being in the Inverse, the nature of the physics work a little differently as they are literally inverted.
And that's a shame because while the physics work well, the music is decent, and the bright colourful nature it emits is absolutely fine, without anyone to play Tricky Towers with, you're left with a game that is very much left wanting.
«Honest to god, I have never seen so much effort, passion, data feedback, recordings, physics work, and so on, go into a racing game.
And how those mechanics and physics working (or not), can really change the shape of how the game plays, and thus your experience in playing the game.
«let it physics work itself out» — the physics of the model.
We haven't got the physics worked out yet.»
The physics work in T - Mobile's favor.
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