Sentences with phrase «phytochemicals known»

A study published in 2013 in the journal Circulation found that a high intake of phytochemicals known as flavonoids — which are found in blueberries, as well as other kinds of berries — may reduce the risk of certain heart conditions in young women.
Red cabbage also contains a group of phytochemicals known as polyphenols, which protect the body by fighting the free radicals that cause internal inflammation.
National Cancer Institute research has shown that phytochemicals known as indoles found in kale «inhibit the development of cancer in several organs in rats and mice, including the bladder, breast, colon, liver, lung, and stomach.»
Cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage are rich in phytochemicals known as glucosinolates.
Broccoli can also be called «a natural defender» of testosterone because it's loaded with phytochemicals known as indoles (indole -3-carbinol - I3C).
Rhodiola rosea contains a phytochemical known as salisdroside, which is thought to help relieve anxiety and combat aging.
Green coffee is rich in Chlorogenic acid, a phytochemical known for its anti-diabetic and fat - reducing benefits.

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Within recent years, a large number of naturally occurring health - enhancing substances of plant origin have been recognized» to have beneficial effects on cancers, known as phytochemicals.
Like whole oats, AvenOlait ® oat dairy alternative is derived from Whole Oat, a phytochemical substance known to help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease, and aid in longevity.
As we already know, tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene, a phytochemical with several benefits.
«The bioactive compounds in Camelina sativa seed, also known as Gold of Pleasure, are a mixture of phytochemicals that work together synergistically far better than they do alone.
University of Illinois professor of entomology May Berenbaum, who led the study, said that many organisms use a group of enzymes called cytochrome P450 monooxygenases to break down foreign substances such as pesticides and compounds naturally found in plants, known as phytochemicals.
Did you know that you can alter your tastes and cravings by consistently feeding your body items filled with vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals?
Tomatoes are an excellent dietary source of lycopene, a phytochemical molecule known as a carotenoid, which is responsible for the vibrant red, orange and yellow colours of a lot of vegetables and fruits.
We all know that providing our bodies with nutrient dense foods full of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals will help our bodies detoxify, heal, and...
Since that time a lot has been learned about turmeric, such as what produces all of these amazing turmeric benefits, which we now know is thanks to the main phytochemical in turmeric is called «curcuminoids».
These positive effects were likely due not only to nasunin but to other phytochemicals in eggplant known as terpenes.
According to Ido Leffer, the co-founder of Yes To, a company that produces natural skin and hair products, «Berries are inherently full of nutrient - rich building blocks such as antioxidants, phytochemicals, flavanoids, carotenoids, polyphenols, vitamins, and minerals,» and that «It's these components of berries that are known to be beneficial to the skin, most often used for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.»
Polyphenols belong to the group of compounds known as phytochemicals, which are antioxidants found in plant pigments.
Kale is a highly nutritious vegetable known for its many phytochemicals, which are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-cancer.
Following the hyperlinks to and from these publications will lead to many more.Those of you familiar with my treatise ANTI-AGING FIREWALLS — THE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF LONGEVITY know that I suggest consumption of phytochemical - rich foods like blueberries, walnuts, chocolate and green tea and suggests taking a substantial number of phytosubstance supplements including resveratrol, curcumin, boswellia, ashwagandah, pycnogenol, green tea extract, olive leaf extract, lycopene, allicin and OPC grape seed extract.
Carrots are well known for their beta carotene (which forms vitamin A) and ruby red beets deliver phytochemicals that is good for the liver.
White fruits and vegetables contain a range of health - promoting phytochemicals such as allicin (found in garlic) which is known for its antiviral and antibacterial properties.
Dave Asprey: I'm laughing because I didn't know you'd go there, but our Polyphenomenal supplement has a bunch of grape seed extract in it because these are important phytochemicals.
What many Filipinos don't know is that our native fruits such as durian, papaya and mangosteen contain phytochemicals that have cancer - fighting properties.
The active phytochemicals in ginkgo are known as ginkgolides and bilobalides.
It contains the phytochemical Quercetin, which is known to slow cancer growth and also promote apoptosis (there's that word again).
They are well known in terms of phytochemical content for their lycopene which is known for reducing risk of prostate cancer.
The extract helps to recover both firmness and elasticity in the skin, but is also a rich source of phytochemicals, also known as a type of antioxidant compound found naturally in the plantain.
It's too early to know whether that's true, but we do know they contain powerful phytochemicals called anthocyanins, which give these berries their blue color.
Known as the king of fruits, mangoes contain the magic of antioxidants and phytochemicals to -LSB-...]
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