Sentences with phrase «picking daisies»

What she remembered was watching her mammy roll out biscuit dough and romping with her puppy dog and picking daisies to braid a crown.
I had envisioned myself wearing this dress on a warm, sunny day, picking daisies in a field... or maybe a meadow.
Some deep out and under, some at the shoreline, some picking daisies, and some on the dock, soaking it all in.
Given that unemployment in our market is still very high you would think finding these driven associates (future owners) would be as easy as picking daisies... not if you are selective, not if you want talented folks that will work hard, and not if you don't have a penchant for marketing to your audience.
When people do not know where they are in their standing with God, when people are uncertain whether a sin they committed caused God to take away their eternal life or not, it is like the little girl who picks a daisy and one by one, takes off the petals saying with each one, «He loves me — He loves me not.»
But then... wait for it... the reception was a 45 minute drive from the church and then the bride and groom stopped to pick daisies somewhere along the way because they didn't arrive at the wedding until 10.
Fresh and fragile as a newly picked daisy, she is quickly identified as something special, with plenty of people keen to exploit her, and Jesse not averse to letting them.

Not exact matches

«That sent the message to Congress that it wasn't just a bunch of people out frolicking in the sunshine planting daisies and picking up litter.
An adorable pick from our ModCloth namesake label, this cotton blouse lends its daisy - embroidered collar, cuffed sleeves, and thoughtful darts to your beloved endeavors.
Back in the day when you were a lot younger, you might have taken a daisy and picked the petals off one by one to find out whether «he loves you or loves you not.»
Users can pick an ending, or keep daisy - chaining clips until they've all played through.
those people who want pick it apart and say it was corny (you know who you are)-LRB-... steve) its supposed to be that way, if you don't like it go watch driving miss daisy in other words «stfu».
Richard Long's England 1968 is a photograph of an X shape he made in a field full of grass and daisies by picking the latter away in the shape of a cross.
Google Lens could pick out African daisies from a photo we shot, but the feature incorrectly assumed an image of an orange tree depicted blood oranges (above).
Help keep indoor air quality high by clearing chemicals (try switching to biodegradable cleaning products) and investing in a few new houseplants — English ivy, peace lilies and gerbera daisies are top picks for cleaning indoor air of pollutants.
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