Sentences with phrase «picture things»

That's a big picture thing for me, to transform materials so they're no longer associated with their original function.
As we've explained in a previous post, substantive editing involves looking at big - picture things such as narrative and character development, pacing, consistency of voice, and chapter organization.
They asked each participant to picture things like a landscape and a friend.
I start full time work tomorrow so I'll be figuring out the blogging and taking pictures thing while doing that.
I have to say I totally agree about the personal pictures thing.
The state, zealous to complete the transition from books to screens, creates a special bureaucratic department to advise citizens on ideal texts and temperature for book - burnings — or so Ray Bradbury pictured things in 1953's Fahrenheit 451.
And I seriously can not get enough of this color... P.S. My new DSLR camera is coming on Tuesday!!!!! I can finally put the whole iPhone picture thing to bed!
I know you can do a Twitter picture thing but it's just not the same.
We talk about the evolution from woodmouse and toy making and how the whole Crappy Pictures thing happened and how I've since put that on pause.
He had always felt that he possessed an exceptional talent for picturing things in his mind.
We all have the experience of picturing things in our heads, of course.
Historians have good reasons for being suspicious of big - picture things because early attempts did not work out too well.
Nothing against the models, but I can picture things so much better when the dress is on a form.
I had some issues at the beginning because I kept picturing things differently than you did and having to re-adjust my mental image but I'm glad I pushed through that because in the end I really enjoyed the story and wished it had been longer.
You can also picture things mentally to improve your visual memory, which is part of your working memory.
Home decor has long been a passion of mine, but with Cole and I still in a rental home, we're a bit limited when it comes to big picture things like wall paint, flooring, hardware, etc..
Both mean clarifying a manuscript's content and structure, examining the big - picture things such as character development, story flow, dialogue, pacing, sources, chapter titles, voice, and chapter organization.
(23) For virtually all language is loaded (biased) and tends to picture things in such a way as to elicit a specific evaluation from the community, usually an evaluation of approval or disapproval.
P.S. My new DSLR camera is coming on Tuesday!!!!! I can finally put the whole iPhone picture thing to bed!
«It allows you to gain some perspective and think about some of the bigger picture things that you've been working on.»
For some people, including friends of mine, they just can't imagine or picture some things in their minds.
I picture things in my head and I have to say, write, draw, paint or sculpt them.
To make sure they try different things... I don't think we want to be constrained... I've got a pretty vivid imagination when it comes to some styles, I picture things in my head and try and bring them to fruition.»
It so crazy on how we picture things before kids..
Even if these bigger picture things are small.
Happy to hear you had such a fun weekend babe, I totally understand the pictures thing — some places are just too beautiful and you just want to enjoy the moment there without worrying about photos, I'm like that too
I'm going to message you on Facebook and see if I can figure out the whole picture thing.
I'm still working out the technicalities on this one, but one year (I think 2011) I did «Do Something New Every Week,» and that was really a good one but it was more Big Picture things, like «do a 5k,» «get reiki.»
But while those are all big picture things that can define a relationship, some people have a tendency to post too many requirements when creating their profiles.
A comparison between audition tapes and finished episodes (well transferred across the board, I should say, at their original fullscreen 1.33:1 aspect ratio and presented with more - than - adequate Dolby Surround soundtracks) is provided for six of the actors, poorly - synched picture - in - picture things that are almost completely baffling to me not merely for their existence, but for the fact that there's no appreciable improvement between the audition sessions and the final product.
As visual learners they can picture things and may synthesize and learn complex concepts easily through their own problem - solving methods, but struggle with directions, memorization, easy skills, and details, Silverman says.
Featuring a talented young artist, the video describes in words and pictures the things that make California's charter schools so special.
A beta reader is someone who reads our «the best we can make it by ourselves» draft and gives feedback about big picture things: the characters, the plot, the pacing, etc..
«A Beta Reader gives feedback about big picture things: the characters, the plot, the pacing, etc..
As Anne mentioned last week, some critique groups tend to focus more on line - by - line issues than big picture things, especially because critique groups / partners often see just a chapter or so at a time.
Many of us have beta readers who chime in on some of the big - picture things.
Picturing things, taking a view, is what makes us human; art is making sense and giving shape to that sense.
And I firmly believe that if those big picture things are fulfilling, the smaller things usually just fall in line.

Phrases with «picture things»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z