Sentences with phrase «piece of chocolate cake»

Lets assume you have just eaten a nice piece of chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream.
Maybe you're not a sweets person, but all of a sudden a big piece of chocolate cake sounds good.
I have been wanting a really good piece of chocolate cake....
Almost everyone who tasted this agreed that it tasted like an incredible piece of chocolate cake.
There's nothing better than when you go out for dinner and order a nice, big piece of chocolate cake to end the meal.
Cobbler just wasn't ever my favorite dessert; I'd just as soon have had a massive vanilla ice cream cone or a hefty piece of chocolate cake smothered in vanilla buttercream frosting to get my sugar fix back in the day.
Cobbler just wasn't ever my favorite dessert; I'd just as soon have had a massive vanilla ice cream cone or a hefty piece of chocolate cake smothered in vanilla buttercream frosting to get my sugar fix back in the day.
Even though I try to eat healthy (most of the time) with lots of veggies, fruits, good quality proteins and so on, I still crave a delicious piece of chocolate cake from time to time.
Triangular apple pie slices, a square piece of chocolate cake, unbroken graham crackers, Oreo ball recipes... I can't really explain it, but there's something so satisfying about foods that have a distinguishable shape.
«People imagine the possibilities of standing next to a towering piece of chocolate cake or an Oreo cookie large enough to serve as a raft, floating in a glass of milk.»
He also claims he is not much of a chocolate lover and yet more often than I would like to, I end up having to grudgingly share the last piece of chocolate cake with him!
You'll know this to be true if you've ever witnessed someone diving into a decadent piece of chocolate cake, followed by the words «Oh, that MUST be bad for me!»
I need a cuppa & a big piece of chocolate cake How's things with you Abby?
My son gobbled up the fries as if no different from McD's back home --- and my God, one night we actually got a huge and delicious piece of chocolate cake that had cherry paste in between the layers — sinfully delectable.
She was adorable and her eyes got really big after everyone sang and that big piece of chocolate cake was put on her high chair tray.
After you decide to start a cold shower and to stay in for five minutes, not eating a piece of chocolate cake is trivial.
I personally like curling up with the Bible, a nice cup of coffee, and a piece of chocolate cake - three guilty pleasures that I know may not be good for me, but they help me forget reality during those times when it is at its most oppressive.
Eating a piece of chocolate cake can be such an act of self - love one day and such an act of self - sabotage another.
You know, some days I slice myself a piece of chocolate cake and other times I'm completely satisfied with a healthy snack like these New Outshine Simply Yogurt Bars I found at Target * — they totally take, errrr, the cake!
Be sure to hug the ones you love and share a piece of chocolate cake with them!
I'll read it to my toddler tonight instead of the (less funny) list in The Very Hungry Caterpillar: One piece of chocolate cake, one lollipop, one slice of swiss cheese, one salami, one pickle, one slice of watermelon...
We've all had those days where we just want to come home, put on some sweats and indulge in a piece of chocolate cake.
He goes on a bender and eats through a piece of chocolate cake, an ice cream cone, a pickle, a slice of Swiss cheese, a slice of salami, a lollipop, a piece of cherry pie, a sausage, a cupcake and a slice of watermelon.
These oat - based blender muffins have a slightly bumpy texture (as the blender won't break up the grain completely) and are a bit less sweet than the average breakfast pastry — come on, if I wanted a piece of chocolate cake, I'd just make that.
Who does not enjoy a piece of chocolate cake?
I say it's when a piece of chocolate cake and a piece of fudge make a baby... that's the perfect brownie.
I am yearning for a piece of this chocolate cake right now!
«They came after me like I was a piece of chocolate cake in the first half.»
If you're eating well the majority of the time and avoiding alcohol, forgive yourself a skipped meal or piece of chocolate cake every now and again.
You will definitely eat a piece of chocolate cake.
The value of a piece of chocolate cake can change.
Skinny does not equal healthy, but weight seems to be what drives most of our health - related decisions — whether to exercise, whether to order a salad, whether to celebrate with a piece of chocolate cake.
If people don't experience a strong attraction to another person — or to a piece of chocolate cake, or cigarette, or new pair of shoes — they won't be tempted to give in to it.»
Have you ever noticed how easy it is to polish off a piece of chocolate cake after a meal filled with wine and spirits?
«Some people put on weight as soon as they look at a piece of chocolate cake.
If your body often tells you it's missing something by craving a piece of chocolate cake or a slice of pizza, make it your mission to find out what that «something» really is.
The other thing that will mess you up when you don't eat is you'll be more likely to play that mental game with yourself like, I didn't have lunch, so this piece of chocolate cake is NBD.
What that means is if you indulge in a piece of chocolate cake or some takeaway food, don't write off the rest of your day by overeating or punishing yourself.
It is a low - carb, sugar - free diet, but she allows herself occasional indulgences, such as a piece of chocolate cake.
In this case, just 1 or 2 small squares of dark chocolate can many times satisfy your sweet tooth for only 30 or 40 calories as opposed to 500 calories for a piece of chocolate cake or a piece of pie.
A piece of chocolate cake one day or one big holiday meal won't make or break you, but daily treats do add up.
I looked at a piece of chocolate cake and gained weight.
Counting calories can be helpful, but a simple count doesn't distinguish between 1,800 calories from five pieces of chocolate cake, which is heavy in carbs, and 1,800 calories from six small meals containing a proper balance of fat, protein, and carbs.
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Next time you are craving a piece of chocolate cake load up on the almonds and water first!
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