Sentences with phrase «piece on the floor»

Only the absolute safest seats pass the ultra strict Swedish Plus Test where most seats end up in pieces on the floor.
Do you remember looking at puzzle pieces on the floor as a child?
From the new pieces on the floor, the real questions take shape.
He laid pieces on the floor, leaned them against walls, and created conceptual volumes with string, rope and rubber.
Using the dry erase board and marker or the magnetic pieces on the floor, toddler makes a picture and Mommy has to copy it and then submit it to the toddler teacher for critique.
They end up in pieces on the floor after the Plus Test.
It was difficult to get close to Wallace's notes because it was the hit piece on the floor, and a writer was three deep at any moment squinting at Wallace's smallish handwriting.
For Félix González - Torres, the pit in a volume pairs with its shreds, as a corner piece on the floor.
A splash of yellow on the wall is the focus here but also balances the other smaller colorful accent pieces on the floor.
«We were formed by the Depression, when the American dream lay in pieces on the floor,» he once said.
However, she has reached this stage — a stage I am trying to remember will pass — where she NEEDS to open every drawer in the house, examine everything in it, then dump each piece on the floor.
When your «Hyper» child is running around the house, like a bull in a china shop, and the unfortunate happens, the family air loom is in pieces on the floor, as you will be thinking of the punishment of the year, you need to approach this incident without punishment.
Mix up the pieces on the floor and let your toddler dig in.
The Press Complaints Commission (PCC), basically the regulatory equivalent of that kid you used to beat up in the toilets at school, is lying in pieces on the floor.
«It's like taking a puzzle, dumping all the pieces on the floor, and then putting them back together.»
Your Lab just mocks their claim by leaving it in pieces on the floor and happily trots away to find something else to sink his teeth into.
I enjoy the layering of the pieces on the floor.
What are those pieces on the floor, I ask.
But you think about Carl Andre who would bring in a box of blocks or plates and do his piece on the floor.
While preparing and rehearsing in my studio, I looked at the piece on the floor and realized it was in the shape of a bed — a bed of oil.
I love that final image although I didn't understand if the piece on the floor was by Frank Stella.
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