Sentences with phrase «pieces as treats»

Serve squash and apple pieces as treats or feed them in small to moderate quantities with your pooch's kibble or prepared meals.
So, if your hamster loves cabbage, give them small pieces as treats — and make sure to account for any other gas - causing foods you feed them!
My parents allowed my brother and I to keep all our candy, but we were normally held to 2 - 3 pieces as treats per day, max.
I don't know whether to replace their wet food, or their dry food, because this isn't either wet or dry.Sometimes I give them a couple pieces as a treat, and that works great too.
I can use one piece as a treat.

Not exact matches

Treat goals as «rocks» that can be broken into smaller pieces or stacked to help the entire team move to higher ground.
Amazon was hit hard by The New York Times this Saturday, with the publication of a highly critical piece depicting the e-commerce giant as a brutal place to work where employees are treated with disrespect.
Pointing to examples such as seeing «moral equivalence in Charlottesville» and treating women «like they're pieces of meat,» Comey explained that Trump's inability to «respect and adhere to the values that are at the core of this country,» most notably the truth, make him unfit to be president «on moral grounds.»
Cons: Some cats don't like the taste or texture, large pieces need to be broken up by hand, small amount of sugar added — should be used as an occasional treat
Some cats don't like the taste or texture, large pieces need to be broken up by hand, small amount of sugar added — should be used as an occasional treat
The fried dough treat is reportedly sprinkled with crushed up pieces of candy cane, making for a drool - worthy snack that one fan described as «refreshing, minty, and yummy.»
Sure, customer success can be looked at as part of sales, but you should be treating each part of your SaaS foundation as an individual axis to make sure you're optimizing each piece of the SaaS equation.
Another directive orders US military personnel to treat the Koran as «a fine piece or artwork».
Presumably, one would take the book itself, treat it as a coherent piece, and by a process of analysis arrive at an interpretation that could be compared with other works.
They were usually treated as pieces of a jig - saw puzzle which must be ingeniously fitted together to form one full and more complete narrative.
And it is most unseemly that ADL treats the Holocaust as a dispute over a piece of merchandise.
Liuan Huska wrote an excellent piece for Her.Meneutics about how her Spanish - speaking immigrant church treats childcare as a community calling, especially considering the fact that many of the mothers and fathers in that community are working hard just to make ends meet.
He may, in practice, treat it as a piece of lumber, but he regards it in theory as a piece of necessary lumber, however useless and inconvenient.
Governance (which, as explained in my previous piece, implies the deconstruction of modern - style government, of the social contract and of the value of representation): Africans want to be treated as equals; they are not sure that «democracy» is the way to go: democracy tends to break their traditions and so far hasn't delivered order and socioeconomic progress.
When Alan Ball was 13, his sister died in a car accident and his mother's abject grief was hushed and over-buffered by the fashions in funerals then — to treat grief as a structural weakness, by which folks were forever «breaking down» or «falling apart» or «going to pieces
I got these for making treats with but I'm finding them a bit touch and some of the pieces are sharp as well.
LunchSkins are a great for many things because they offer the same convenience as a familiar plastic baggie, but are easily washable and durable for a range of practical and creative uses even beyond lunch, like cosmetics, dog treats, pacifiers, baby toiletries, travel items, ear buds, electronic cords, game pieces and any other loose messy items.
Sophisticated and intensely chocolatey with a hit of juicy raisins and crunchy biscuit pieces, serve this decadent chocolate fridge cake as a teatime treat
This bread is absolutely great for breakfast, dessert - I even put small pieces into the boys» lunch boxes this week as a treat.
This dressing is also great as a dip, and most of the vegetables listed here can be left in bigger pieces and treated as crudités instead.
Available as a one or three - piece order, these tasty treats are around for a limited time only.
We treat Steam Moves as another piece of information that helps us determine how and why the line has moved for a certain game.
Unfortunately, that is precisely the kind of logic that also pushes football players back on the field with concussions — they are not really worth treating as independent human beings with feelings and values, but rather pieces that can be sacrificed, in whole or in part, for the greater good of winning.
I treat each skein as a piece of art.
a. Although purees are generally frowned upon by the baby led weaning community, you can still always consider mashing your apricots and serving them as a sort of spread on top of small pieces of toast for a tasty breakfast - style treat for your baby.
And for an extra special treat, dress the cards up with small pieces of candy or trinket such as an eraser or pencil.
It always amazes me that this critical piece of the problem is treated as an after - thought.
Package up small treat bags of gold wrapped candy or chocolates such as Rolo, Ferrero Rocher or chocolate gold coins by making your own St. Patrick's Day treat bag by printing the horseshoe bag template on pieces of vellum paper to make your own mini bags.
At Mayarya, we believe that you should be able to keep expressing your personal style throughout pregnancy and motherhood and it's for this reason we've worked hard to assemble a diverse range of pieces which treat the pregnant form as something to be celebrated rather than hidden.
«Until recently having or not having nuclear weapons appeared to be and was treated as a question of yes or no», wrote Thomas Schelling in a piece called «Who Will have The Bomb», written in 1976 following India's first use of a «peaceful» nuclear explosive (PNE).
While Nigerians are still essaying to piece the bits together on how he actually graduated in B.A Geography as attested to by the Vice Chancellor of the ABU, Prof Ibrahim Garba, the theatre of the absurd to which they have been treated represents the metaphor for the lowest of the low that any public figure can get in any society where sanity still counts.
«The one or two remaining proponents of hard - left socialism in Parliament like Corbyn and McDonnell were for years treated almost as museum piece dinosaurs, worth preserving for the sake of historical curiosity» he jibed.
Since the 1950s astronomers have solved this problem using «kinematic distances,» calculations that treat objects in the Milky Way a bit like pieces of flotsam spiraling into a whirlpool; because things tend to move faster as they approach the center, measuring how fast an object is moving toward or away from us yields an estimate of its distance from the galactic center — and thus from our solar system.
But rather than natural diamond, Silvera and Dias used two small pieces of carefully polished synthetic diamond which were then treated to make them even tougher and then mounted opposite each other in a device known as a diamond anvil cell.
In the second test, treated mice were twice as fast to brave an unsheltered new environment to get a piece of food.
In a recent policy piece published in Science, Searchinger and colleagues wrote that such a policy «erroneously treats all bioenergy as carbon neutral,» calling it a major «accounting error.»
Two pieces of aluminium treated in this way can be reheated to 380 °C to melt the surface layer, and then joined together, fusing as the Techno - Weld solidifies.
Treat yourself: a signature piece such as a vintage rug or a designer chair to use for brainstorming can make the space feel special to you.
Treat every piece as a work in progress.
It really helps with sweet cravings, I tend to have it for breakfast on the weekend as a treat with the sugar free syrups and a few pieces of fruit.
I've been dealing with this as one would normally treat adrenal fatigue, and have seen some improvement, but it still feels like some pieces of the puzzle are missing.
I specifically wrote about grams, rather than calories, as converting everything ingested in calories is deceitful; as proteins, fats and carbs are also used as buliding material, and calorie counters completly ignore it treating every piece of food as energy: it's like quantifying a wooden house by using joules, while you don't have an intention to burn it.
The occasional piece of cake or dessert is fine for a treat but not as a daily occurrence.
I have been treating patients with psoriasis for as long as I've been in natural medicine practice, for twenty - six years, and I can tell you this one vital piece of information when it comes to chronic skin conditions: You will NOT recover unless you are prepared to stay on track and remain committed to the dietary changes I have recommended for at least 3 to 6 months, but preferably for as long as 12 months.
Here's a piece of history for you: gelatin was recommended as far back as 1905 by Erich Cohn of Medical Polyclinic of the University of Bonn for treating «intestinal catarrh» — an inflammation of the mucus membrane now known as irritable bowel syndrome.
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