Sentences with phrase «pieces at garage sales»

You could find pieces at garage sales and for a few dollars a piece.
I see pieces at garage sales, etc but never know if the inside is how you pick it or the outside or both.
He found the piece at a garage sale.

Not exact matches

The CEO of Barry's Bootcamp shares how a piece of artwork at a garage sale helped shape the company's mission.
Or of course, you can also scour Craigslist or start looking at local garage sales to find that perfect piece to create your toddler kitchen too!
We have a large bin of pieces and continually pick up more at garage sales, whenever we see them.
It looks like a vintage piece you might have scored at a garage sale, yet it has a modern flair to it that is unmistakable.
I pick up pieces every time I see them at the thrift store or in garage sales.
At the end of 30 days, let's give the clothing pieces we once had such an affinity for a new home — swap with friends, have a garage sale, or donate to charity!
Or - what about that amazing piece you picked up at a garage sale for next to nothing - but OH BOY!
It seems when I spot the most amazing piece of furniture with incredible detailing at a garage sale, it always happens when I get next to it - IT STINKS!
Take advantage of that by shopping for other people's gently worn pieces in second - hand stores and at garage sales.
$ 2 - $ 3 a piece at HomeGoods or garage sales, and sometimes less.
I bought the EXACT SAME CART at a garage sale several years ago!!!! The owners had painted it black, but wow was it a piece of work too!
Before you pass by that ugly piece of furniture at the thrift shop or garage sale, or get rid of your own furniture, ask yourself how it would look painted.
The next time you see a gorgeous piece of furniture at a garage sale or (lucky you) on the side of the road, don't leave it because it has some damaged veneer.
All furniture pieces were purchased second hand at garage and estate sales or thrift shops.
The old crock was another auction piece and the table legs I picked up on the cheap at a garage sale last summer (I knew I would use them for something) and the flowers were bunches that I cut apart.
I got that tool box for a steal at a garage sale this summer, it's my favorite piece in my house Thank you for stopping by!!
It seems when I spot the most amazing piece of furniture with incredible detailing at a garage sale, it always happens when I get next to it - IT STINKS!
I kept my eyes open at thrift shops and garage sales for more pieces.
I think It is important to point out that 90 % of the furniture in our home has been purchased second hand at either a garage sale or thrift store and then refinished by my husband and I. Most of our furniture pieces are painted in Behr's «Poetic Light».
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