Sentences with phrase «pieces of code between»

Not exact matches

He does not accept that the code fails to distinguish between tear - off pads and other sorts of promotion, or that any piece of paper that features a picture of a product a company wants to sell is, arguably, de facto advertising.
Sequencing the genome of one such organism, King and her colleagues found genes that code for pieces of the same proteins used for the binding of cells and communication between cells in animals — functions that would be unexpected in such an organism.
RNA acts as the intermediary between genes and proteins, but the function of pieces of RNA that do not code for protein has, historically, been less clear.
A few years back, Erez Lieberman - Aiden got a sobering lesson in how difficult it still is to understand the code of life: His professor had spent six long months just trying to calculate the distance between two pieces of a genome.
If the narrative structure of the piece is framed by two matches between Eddie and Minnesota, the thematic structure is a freight train to Hell punctuated by first a late - night train ride where Burt lays out what he thinks of Laurie, then this rape sequence, which cements the transition from Elia Kazan's Breem - contaminated A Streetcar Named Desire to the collapse of Breem's Code later in The Hustler's decade.
Transactions between nodes would be settled through smart contracts, or self - executing pieces of code that trigger when certain conditions are met.
If a few phone calls between some key parties and some piece of code can change the Ethereum blockchain, how unstoppable is it really?
In particular, KDDI indicated that it plans to test how blockchain - based smart contracts — self - executing pieces of code triggered when certain conditions are met — can be used for facilitating payments between companies.
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