Sentences with phrase «pieces of content for»

Both Serina and the Operation: Spearbreaker story missions are available now for Windows 10 as part of the Halo Wars 2 Season Pass, as individual purchases at $ 5.99 USD each, or a special 2 - pack version that includes both pieces of content for $ 9.99 USD.
In this case, metadata enables the intranet to find the right pieces of content for that particular purpose.
Sony has today announced the «PSP Power Sale» in which over 100 pieces of content for the PSP will be going on sale.
While we knew that Cage, the brain behind the rain (I deserve an award for that), was interested in adding motion controls to the game, he's frustrated that gamers won't get to see the final pieces of content for the game.
In this strategy, you'll be developing pieces of content for your link building campaign that you'll publish directly on your own website.
Interviews are goldmine pieces of content for a few different reasons.
After analyzing 100 million pieces of content for social sharing, social traffic referrals, and backlinks, the team has one clear takeaway: What most content marketers are doing is no longer working.
With a checklist, you can quickly check each piece of content for quality issues and also educate your team on what it takes to publish content in your company.
Marketers are all trying to either create or curate shareable content, and BuzzSumo is simply the best tool to help you analyze what is the most shared piece of content for any given keyword on any given social network.
This will also be the last piece of content for the season pass, which is currently available for $ 24.99.
Our parent company, Column Five, have talked at length about why annual reports are such an important piece of content for brands.
It provides another way for people to find you and another piece of content for visitors, friends and listeners to suggest to others.

Not exact matches

Like any piece of content, your app needs to be thoroughly marketed in order to make the type of splash you're hoping for.
Platforms provided by Adobe and Optimizely make it possible for marketers to recommend specific pieces of content similar to the way Netflix suggests shows.
Keyword stuffing is a tactic where a piece of content on a business» website was written specifically to contain a high number of keywords related to the company's products, or other keywords related to the business, that the business hopes to rank for in the SERPs.
Videos produced for 360 - degree viewing are one of the most popular and accessible pieces of VR content at the moment.
Say you've produced a «pot roast» piece of content — a weighty, meaty asset like an e-book or white paper that you'd like users to download, perhaps in exchange for their email address.
She said it usually helps for the brand to explain why it posted a particular piece of content.
Your links must be natural, which usually means you have to establish relationships with external publishers, produce truly amazing content to be published on those publications and work hard to increase the visibility and value of those pieces (while constantly scouting for new opportunities).
They also became the basis for one of his company's most persuasive pieces of content, a free e-book called Careercation.
The first step isn't to think about an awesome idea for content, it's to think about where you can plausibly get a piece of content published.
New policies will, for the first time, allow people to appeal a decision to take down an individual piece of content.
Acting almost like talent agents, they broker sponsorships, create branded content and negotiate other money - making deals for the creators of popular YouTube channels in exchange for a piece of their revenue.
As you've probably seen with Carissa's weekly show, live online events have impact and are a great piece of content to have for repurposing later.
We create a wonderfully constructed piece of content, share it on social a few times, add it to our newsletter, then wait for the engagement magic to happen.
Look for more pieces of advice from leaders like Melinda Gates, Dave Ramsey and others, and follow along with the series, as well as other content relating to the Class of 2017, on social media using the hashtag #MakeItNewGrads.
Look for more pieces of advice from leaders like Melinda Gates, Dave Ramsey and others over the next few weeks, and follow along with the series, as well as other content relating to the Class of 2017, on social media using the hashtag #MakeItNewGrads.
But you can increase the virality capability of every single piece of content you create by using these data - backed tips to optimize it for social sharing.
Humor is a key element in most pieces of viral content, and it's an easy way to make your publications more relatable and more entertaining for your audience.
And what if it simply isn't feasible to hire a designer to produce a visual for every single piece of content you want produce.
Follow these tips to build in a lead - generating Call To Action (CTA) for each piece of content you create and share on LinkedIn.
For instance, a great piece of free content not only demonstrates your expertise to a targeted audience in a specific niche or industry, but it can also make you likable — especially if you inject some personality into your content and use tools like video on your LinkedIn profile and posts to showcase your personality.
But for those that do, no piece of marketing, however sleek its design, how pleasant its smiling faces, how compelling its content, can counteract a bad experience.
Here's the thing: LinkedIn wants to be the hub for every piece of professionally themed content you create.
«The hamburger maker is looking for a precise amount of fat content,» Michael Moss, a journalist who wrote a Pulitzer Prize - winning piece on the meat industry, told Tech Insider.
Researching web search keywords that can drive traffic to your site or project is another crucial element of SEM — by getting a handle on the keyword demand for your website you'll not only get a better idea of what keywords to incorporate in your site's searchable text and content, you'll also piece together a picture of what your site's potential visitors are looking for.
For entrepreneurs, this means creating a small cluster of content and launching the pieces together.
For example, if you have a shortform piece of content meant to insert your brand into a consumer's «initial consideration set», this piece of content should be optimized to quickly and efficiently move that customer along to a piece of longform content that helps to better facilitate the «active evaluation phase.»
Slow pitches like these might involve a couple steps through the marketing funnel or perhaps a piece of long - form content with a variety of ways for the reader to act.
A widely - spread piece of content can make a big difference for your company, even if it never reaches the height of #GangnamStyle or «the dress.»
It will then show different News Feed stories — for example, favoring status updates and links versus videos and photos on a super-slow connection — and prioritize loading things that the user is looking at versus partially loading a dozen pieces of content at once.
The smartphone users would be solicited to use the app whenever a relevant piece of content is shared with them or a call for action is required.
Every week for 12 weeks, a new piece of content is delivered through automated systems.
Quite apart from the fact that this would clash with another piece of EU legislation that's trying to protect freedom of expression, this would be a huge burden for anyone trying to set up a new user - generated content platform, making it a problem for both innovation and competition.
But it established vital first principles still essential to the web as it exists today: the notion of hyperlinks that reimagined documents (and eventually any form of media) as nonlinear texts, and the ability for anyone, anywhere in the world, to peruse that content by way of a browser: a piece of software that cohered to universal formatting standards.
To solve this problem, they created a remarkable piece of content — a quiz for people to see what type of entrepreneurs they are.
We saw a big difference on the same piece of content in a Promoted Post vs. a Sponsored Story Post — a 12X difference as far as action, and the click rate was higher for the promoted one.»
For many content marketers, social media strategy never gets beyond the spray - and - pray process of sharing a new piece of content with the widest audience possible, and then measuring if anybody engaged with it.
Each individual piece of content, from a blog post to a video, also has a chance to rank in search results for your name.
For example, this Help Scout graphic highlights the power of color in conveying personality in a piece of content that reflects positively back on the brand.
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