Sentences with phrase «pig genome»

«Introgression in pig genome leads to their altitude adaptation.»
At age 35, he has 100 peer - reviewed papers, with greatest hits that include the panda and pig genome sequences.
«Iberian pig genome remains unchanged after five centuries.»
The anti-PERV work is only the start of the changes eGenesis is making to pig genomes.
Besides knocking out PERVs, which is relatively easy, making organ - donor pigs requires inserting large chunks of human DNA into the pig genome.
It «painted a picture of her working on a human germline project, when she had just been learning about human oocytes» for the pig genome engineering.
Many people feared that retroviruses lurking in animal genomes could harm transplant recipients, but this year a team eliminated, in one fell swoop, 62 copies of a retrovirus's DNA littering the pig genome.
Another would engineer a pig genome — eliminating embedded viral genes and genes encoding molecules that are immunogenic, for example — so that researchers could grow pig organs suitable for human transplant.
Recently, the lab disabled 62 genes (in a pig genome) all in one go — the largest number of simultaneous gene edits ever accomplished.
The major project to chart the pig genome shows that the wild boar originated in Southeast Asia about 4 million years ago.
Recently, prospects for xenotransplantation brightened when Harvard geneticist George Church demonstrated the removal of dozens of endogenous retroviruses from the pig genome, in a tour de force of the CRISPR / Cas9 gene editing technique.
Together with an international team of geneticists and retrovirologists, Uppsala University researchers have charted the pig genome.
Uppsala researchers Patric Jern, Alexander Hayward, Göran Sperber, and Jonas Blomberg used the computer program RetroTector and detailed sequence comparisons in so - called phylogenetic studies to map the retrovirus part of the pig genome.
Luhan Yang, PhD Chief Scientific Officer eGenesis Rewriting the pig genome to transform Xenotransplantation Open to the Public
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