Sentences with phrase «pig lives»

So, there's an element of luck involved in how long your guinea pig lives, as well.
If your guinea pig lives with another pig bring that pig along to the vet, offer UVB lighting during the day, and ask your vet for guinea pig specific pain medications and / or anti-inflammatories.
One day, of course, even the nicest pig life will come to a sudden end — but until then, these animals are happy campers.
Used for monitoring the temperature in the cabin where the guinea pigs live.
«The pigs live in natural family groups under free - ranging conditions.
Veterinary research into tapeworm control in pigs through vaccination has the potential to reduce serious disease in developing nations where humans and pigs live in close quarters.
«I for one believe pigs live outside...!»
Guinea pigs that don't regularly visit other guinea pigs live in a very isolated environment, therefore there are typically two ways in which your guinea pig can get lice.
Guinea pigs live for a long time, generally 5 - 7 years.
If you notice any signs of aggressiveness between guinea pigs living in the same cage, separate them at once.
With good care, guinea pigs live up to 12 years, with about six or eight years being the average.
Guinea Pigs like company and, although yours is nice, they'd prefer to have another Guinea Pig living with them.
For example, hairless guinea pigs live an average of 7 to 8 years!
Most commonly known as the cavy, guinea pigs live on average 4 - 8 years with proper diet and husbandry.
By providing proper care and lots of love, guinea pigs live an average of five to seven years, even longer.
It briefly touches on animal welfare - «Smithfield's pigs live by the hundreds or thousands in warehouse - like barns, in rows of wall - to - wall pens.
The pigs lived off of the avails of the horses», and to a lesser extent, the other animals» efforts.

Not exact matches

On any given day, families unfortunate enough to live near a pig factory farm — often low - income people of color — might suffer respiratory distress, decreased lung function, or nausea because facilities pump pig waste through sprayers onto fields.
These are «immoral» thoughts or urges that contradict the deeply held beliefs of people who live with them, like a religious Jew constantly imagining eating a pig.
The Post's chart shows mammals, including horses, pigs, and deer, claim the lives of 52 Americans each year on average.
He's got sites out there making him passive income on guinea pigs, alpacas, body language, Sudoku, wastewater management, pygmy goats, disability, life coaching, Radon, and a wide variety of other markets.
Nevertheless, when one reads, for instance, of how the Eli Lilly company used homeless alcoholics for testing experimental drugs, it is hard not to believe that such guinea pigs are being exploited, even if they may welcome their improved living conditions during the course of the research.
It turns out that many of these guinea pigs are now professionals» «people who need money and have a lot of time to spare: the unemployed, college students, contract workers, ex-cons, or young people living on the margins who have decided that testing drugs is better than punching a clock with the wage slaves.»
Besides bing a disappointment to god, they disappoint the rest of us living like pigs.
Then they would have been paraded (once the bruises had faded) to make a public confession of their error, before being sent to live on a remote pig farm or perhaps executed.
Living dogmatically in a non-dogmatic world soon proves silly; tell a nation like ours to not eat bacon because pigs are «unclean» rather than explain that it was tricky to cook pork 2000 years ago over a fire and made people sick.
Eventually he wakes up in a pig sty and realizes life is terrible.
If the fetus does not have the same claim to life as a person, it appears that the newborn baby does not either, and the life of a newborn baby is of less value to it than the life of a pig, a dog, or a chimpanzee is to the nonhuman animal.
The prodigal son, after he had squandered all his father's money on whores and a life of debauchery, finally ending up craving pig - slop for food, decides to return to his father and beg for a chance just to work as one of his hired hands.
Jeremy since we are talking about satan casting out satan heres a question for you.Have you ever wondered why Jesus helps satan at times or at least it appears that way.Mat 8:28 - 34 Why would he do that in the case of the demonic man the demons requested that Jesus cast them them into the pigs which he allowed it seems that not only did he help satan to have his way in destroying the pigs but destroyed the livelihood of the people in that area.You could argue at least it saved one man but is it acceptable to save one life but affect the lives of many?
Today as i was thinking about Jesus sending the demons into the pigs and i thought God is not punishing but judging and he made a decision.This idea came from your other discussion which i believe is what he does he decides to make a judgement call he is sovereign and it shows his tender heart and mercy that not a single person was afflicted.The pigs unlike men have no soul so have no eternal consequence upon them they live and they die.either way they were going to get killed.We can be assured that Gods judgements are right and just the pork was going to the gentile nations who worshipped other Gods and no doubt would have been offered to idols so there is a consequence when we disobey the Laws of God even even when we do nt know or understand his laws.brentnz
Gods came to set the captive free.God is always in control he calls the shots not Satan he is in control his motives and purposes we can not understand but we do know his character is always for good and he always has a plan.It is spiritual lesson from a real life situation.I am jumping way ahead here but at the time the people sent Jesus away the demoniac man was sent back to his family when you read later because of his testimony the next time they visit years later to those towns many people are saved because of him so again yes some pigs died one man was set free but that man went and told his story and many were saved and added to the kingdom so to God be the glory.brentnz
In those days, sinners fell into five basic categories: people who did dirty things for a living (such as pig farmers and tax collectors), people who did immoral things (such as liars and adulterers), people who did not keep the law up to the standards of the religious authorities (such as you and me), Samaritans and gentiles.
If a leader uninvited roots around in your personal life like a pig for truffles, kick him in the snout.
Everyone has personal favorites, and I would like to close with a few of the books I have enjoyed with my children: Noel Streatfield's books about families with dancing children, including Ballet Shoes and Dancing Shoes; Cotton in My Sack and Indian Captive, books of historical fiction by Lois Lenski; the hilarious picture book Seven Silly Eaters by Mary Ann Hoberman; the gentle moral tale of Rose, «who didn't work any harder than she had to»; Seven Loaves of Bread, by Ferida Wolf; and the accurate depictions of family life in both Joanna Harrison's When Mom Turned into a Monster and Jean van Leeuwen's delightful Oliver and Amanda Pig stories.
I shall now live my life in worship of the Pooh... I wish pray without pants to a jar of honey... My doctrine shall be «None shall Bother»... I will befriend a pig and live out my days in search of a little boy named Christopher or Robin... Thank you wise one.
When one looks at the various Christian beliefs that were once firmly believed — Adam and Eve, Noah's flood, people living to be 700 or 900 years old, the Red Sea splitting, water turning into wine, a talking snake, a man living in a whale's belly, people rising from the dead, Jesus driving demons out of people and into pigs — but which are now acknowledged by most thinking people to be mere mythology, it is pretty hard to give a lot of credibility to what's left.
When her anger subsides, she sees the pigs pulsing with life and the late afternoon sky beautiful in reds and yellows and she experiences a kind of peace.
I think if they bathed more often and didn't smell like pigs, they might enjoy life more and stop desiring to hack people's heads off all the time.
While it's funny to think that the «pigs» are offended that they're not getting pearls (I'm sure that's closer to real life that not) its also sobering to think that perhaps most pigs don't know who they are.
Well in real life pigs don't appreciate pearls.
we have similarities and pigs are very intelligent, but I have never in my life seen such studies that would suggest 96 % of our DNA is identical to pigs.
Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who lived in the forest in a little round hut... you can order the complete text from the NOPP, the National Office for Pedophile Protection, (also known as the USCCB, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops).
It comes right out of Disney's film productions, a place where we meet animated «real - life» versions of goodness personified (Snow White, the third Little Pig, Dumbo, Pollyanna) and the essence of evil (the Wicked Queen, the Big Bad Wolf)-- and thus learn to divide the world into good and evil, watching goodness triumph with a smile and a song.
Peace will reign on earth and pigs will have a new lease on life.
Eighty million of the ninety - five million pigs raised each year in America live on an industrial farm; more than 80 percent of those farms house around five thousand pigs each.
Muslims also call non-muslims «donkeys and pigs» so I don't think they should be talking about the value of human life when they also send their children as suicide bombers.
Jehovah created all living things according to their «kind» - meaning, dogs can cross-breed with other dogs, humans with human, roses with roses, etc. - To trump evolution and discount the theory of creation, just try mating a dog with a pig, an orange with an apple, etc..
As Dr. J. S. Whale exclaims, «If water might suddenly freeze in midsummer; if the specific gravity of lead might at any time become that of thistledown; if pigs might fly or the White House turn into green cheese — man's life would be a nightmare.»
He drew a picture from daily life: When a pig is slaughtered or taken hold of and other pigs see this, we see that the other pigs set up a clamour and grunting as if in compassion.
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