Sentences with phrase «pigeon hole like»

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For today's guest post, Adam shares what it's like to be pigeon - holed as «the introvert.»
I see Chad is busy pigeon - holing everyone else's choices — like a substitute teacher handing out an over-simplified multiple choice quiz on something they are unfamiliar with.
«Valor can be expressed through many callings, and men like myself should be honoring whatever ways our sisters are valorous instead of trying to pigeon - hole them into specific roles.»
I'm not sure that I like where we're at with the 2 with Lavine still learning and pigeon holing Dunn there
Raw Solutions is a smooth and occasionally stirring continuation that switches tacks with such frequency that pigeon - hole evasion seems like a conscious goal.
I guess it must take a lot more to pigeon hole movies like Roger Ebert than to actually review them.
Rozsa ultimately won an Oscar for his score, though «Spellbound» pigeon - holed the composer as an expert on psychological films, before the hard crime sub-genre (like «Naked City») gave him a new, hard - to - escape casting.
Simple gestures such as popping a chocolate in everyone's pigeon hole, and events like the Friday Reverse Park Challenge, and Week of Wellness are putting smiles on faces and building collegiality.
Whether she likes it or not, Weston has been pigeon - holed as one of the top credit score experts in the nation.
These posts really help other digital nomad folks like us who don't have quite as much experience see that it's very possible to stay on the road and keep doing what you love as long as you're smart about it and you don't pigeon - hole yourself.
Not only are you sort of pigeon - holed into choosing male or female for gender, but also, like, you can't have a male character who's wearing anything but pants, and you can't have a female character who's wearing anything but a dress so it's like worst case scenario.
Science fantasy is exactly where a geek like me ought to be pigeon - holed;)
Key country pieces, such as a the butler sink and exposed beams, add authentic charm, while individual personality is introduced with antique pieces like these pigeon hole shelves filled with rustic crockery.
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