Sentences with phrase «pigeon holed as»

No, you see we do not need to be pigeon holed as religious sects do.
When a brand pigeon holes themselves as only for a certain age group they are really limiting their sales!
So I'm sorry, but without further confirmation of an extensive library of quotations and presentations where this point has been drummed home, I have to provisionally put the «time and time again» assertion in the same pigeon hole as Tony Blair's «as I have said many times before and made my position absolutely clear».
Because all skills are worth taking into account when applying for a job, even post if they seem to pigeon hole you as much carpentry.

Not exact matches

Those who believe there is a god, do not pigeon hole that god as the christians have done.
For today's guest post, Adam shares what it's like to be pigeon - holed as «the introvert.»
I would appreciate it if you do not pigeon hole people as spending all there time on this one particular blog, it is not true.
In the USA, society is so hung up on labels to conveniently pigeon hole anyone so as to make the five o'clock sound byte.
Ok, john t. pigeon - holed me as a hater.
But if you took the time to get to know people on a deeper level you might see that not all of those who claim Christ as their savior fall into these little pigeon holes that you and the author discuss.
God is bigger than our petty systems and we as humans want to pigeon hole Him and put Him in a box.
As one who is labeled spiritual, philosophical, «deep», and all the rest of the ten thousand descriptions meant (sometimes) to pigeon hole, define, and limit, it is a joy to read of your efforts and your thoughts.
«It was actually a contrasting players who tend to get pigeon - holed as «uninterested in improving» with players who tend to get a pass.
When Coutinho first arrived at Anfield following his # 8.5 million move from Inter Milan in 2013, he believed he was in danger of being pigeon - holed as solely a playmaker.
What is it with socialists that they can not recognise any single person as an individual, but rather feel they should self - righteously patronise and pigeon - hole all whom they encounter, in order to either control or criticise their behaviour?
As you know, I'm not trying to pigeon - hole you or trying to lock you up in an interpretive box called «communitarianism».
I do nt believe for a second Grayling's homophobic even though I don't support his views but as Iain says his opponents will use any seemingly innocent or innocuous remark and blow it totally out of proportion to pigeon - hole the entire party as gay - bashing, dyed - in - the - wool relics from the past.
Out of office, Fraga found himself pigeon - holed as a member of the right and a former Franco official, but accepted to seek candidacy on a platform shared with former moderate Franco ministers.
All too often readers will try to pigeon hole a blog's author as Democrat, Republican, conservative or liberal leaning, and so on and so forth.
Currently writing Margaret Thatcher's official biography his writings demonstrate an independence of thought which stops him from being pigeon - holed as a Cameronista or a Cameron critic.
Just as David Miliband was disastrously pigeon - holed as the «heir to Blair», so, too, the No campaign can't seem to shake off the accusation that it's a front operation for the business - as - usual Westminster elite.
Republicans pigeon - holed filmmaker Aaron Woolf from the beginning as a «Manhattan Millionaire,» a carpetbagger.
Liz Kendall finished a distant fourth in the race to succeed Ed Miliband, collecting just 4.5 % of the vote after she was pigeon - holed as the Blairite candidate.
That said, and be these aspersions as they may or may not, please DO NOT PATRONISE THE (SUPPOSED) WORKING CLASSES - that is, after you have managed to define them without patronising, «pigeon hole», bile ridden class distinction withuout substance...?!
When watching the trailer for Bridesmaids, it's easy to simply pigeon - hole it as a «female» Hangover.
Jennifer Garner, though very good in her limited time, as just pigeon - holed herself into a role that she's played way too often.
The characters are mostly one - dimensional and are pigeon holed into clichéd character arcs, and although the cast is able to squeeze a couple of laughs out of the situations, it mostly just comes off as predictable and disappointing.
Rozsa ultimately won an Oscar for his score, though «Spellbound» pigeon - holed the composer as an expert on psychological films, before the hard crime sub-genre (like «Naked City») gave him a new, hard - to - escape casting.
Simple gestures such as popping a chocolate in everyone's pigeon hole, and events like the Friday Reverse Park Challenge, and Week of Wellness are putting smiles on faces and building collegiality.
Dinham also tackled common misconceptions of how students learn, including the learning styles myth, the danger of pigeon - holing students as being «gifted» or «not bright», and the findings of a project in New South Wales he was involved in looking at leadership for exceptional educational outcomes.
In the end, for the majority of teachers, training placements are pigeon - holed as discrete, often difficult, experiences that had only a tangential effect on the type of teacher they eventually became.
A quick summation: yes, there is a difference between genre fiction and literary fiction; no, genre fiction is not necessarily «lower» than literary fiction or mere escapism; yes, literary fiction has just as many cliches and tropes as genre fiction; and yes, there are many examples of top quality work and utter crap in both categories, and people shouldn't pigeon - hole their reading habits to solely one or the other.
Walker attributes this lack of attention from the fact that the agents would often reply wanting more information about her background, and discover that she had published non-fiction in her field and feared that pigeon - holing her as an author might be behind the lack of notice.
It seems to me that we should all be excited at the new opportunities offered by the wider variety of publishing options and not try to pigeon - hole ourselves as just one type.
As a female artist you are pigeon - holed and sometimes it's difficult to make your voice heard.
I love writing all kinds of things, including journalism and short stories and I'd hate to be pigeon - holed as a particular kind of writer.
Township High School District 214, located in Cook County, Illinois, is almost a «poster child» for the tablet as a «content consuming device,» which is how many have pigeon - holed the iPad.
Whether she likes it or not, Weston has been pigeon - holed as one of the top credit score experts in the nation.
As a boomer she resists pigeon holing and tries hard to inspire people of all ages to get out and experience the outdoors.
These posts really help other digital nomad folks like us who don't have quite as much experience see that it's very possible to stay on the road and keep doing what you love as long as you're smart about it and you don't pigeon - hole yourself.
Whereas Wii and Kinect seem to already be pigeon - holed (fairly or not) as platforms for party games, light - gun shooters, and exercise titles, Sony has a chance to break the motion controller mold by supporting great games across various genres.
But I didn't really want my next game to just be more of the same thing, and I didn't want to get pigeon - holed as a retro - pixel - art RPG developer and nothing more.
Their Present — It seems that the studio has well and truly been pigeon - holed as a party game studio.
His extensive oeuvre is difficult to pigeon - hole, and it forms a separate artistic category in itself, as it were.
[Clement] Greenberg pigeon - holed it as he had all of those ideas about painting as a flat surface, ideas about painting super-imposed upon the work that maybe did not -LSB-...]
I'm reminded how frustrated I was at times having to articulate this position, and have seen artists caught in the predicament; one suspects he or she avoids speaking about their work as much as possible, or else speaks through analogies to prevent being pigeon holed, or bored.
It is most unfortunate that no matter what position a person or organization takes on important matters, that they immediately get pigeon - holed as being of a certain political persuasion.
While she is clearly keen to help the concept reach a broader audience, she is aware that it is all too easy to pigeon hole such a complicated and holistic approach to sustainable living as just another variation on organic gardening:
First, since all voices are at the table, an individual seeking equity from various perspectives can provide their analysis as a «whole person» and not as a «pigeon - holed» person who is from a particular equity - seeking group.
After all, Valve had implemented Steam in - home streaming into its venerated games service and pigeon - holed it as a cornerstone of the Linux - based SteamOS — a much - needed one, given the relatively small (but exploding) number of native Linux games.
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