Sentences with phrase «pigmentation disorders»

The clinic also screens embryos for «albinism or other ocular pigmentation disorders» as well as a range of genetic abnormalities such as Down syndrome and haemophilia.Eugenics is fine, as long as you don't alter eye and hair colour.
«There are also other disease genes that lead to the pigmentation disorder,» says Betz.
Some breeds are prone to unique variants of common pigmentation disorder.

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Individuals with darker pigmentation — in particular people with African, Hispanic or South - Asian genetic background — are more likely to develop this skin tissue disorder.
Dr. Pandya, the only full - time pigmentary disorders specialist in Texas, has spent more than a decade treating vitiligo patients in the Pigmentation Disorders Clinic at UT Southwestern.
A rare inherited disorder that has been identified in about 400 people worldwide, HPS is mainly characterized by decreased pigmentation (ocular or cutaneous albinism) and a lack of platelet dense bodies that causes bleeding problems.
Starting the treatment is important since it prevents the development of further secondary skin disorders and structural changes in the skin, which can lead to hyper - pigmentation.
Change in pigmentation is usually a temporary symptom, but some cases are associated with chronic disorders.
The disorder is usually associated with pigmentation patterns, where the presence of white in the hair coat increases the likelihood of deafness.
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