Sentences with phrase «pile of toys»

Don't just supply a huge pile of toys in the corner of the room because they're dead prey.
I spend a lot of my day playing with my toddler in our living room and hallway but I didn't want a huge pile of toys sitting out in our living room.
I just loved this huge pile of toys and sugar almonds with the adorable cinnamon scent!
By purchasing a cheap baby crib, the extra and unneeded equipment won't be taking up space in your home and you'll have more room to store the eventual pile of toys for your baby that will inevitably end up accumulating.
Use them like bowling balls to knock a stuffed pile of toys over.
PT: Large piles of toys gathering dust don't speak well of our consumerist culture, and my inner hoarder feels slightly ashamed looking at them, but then they also reflect Baudelaire's statement that «Is not the whole of life to be found [in a great toyshop] in miniature - and far more highly colored, sparkling and polished than real life?»
You could try making piles of toys into categories such as: building toys / blocks, cars / trains, animals, pretend play, number / shape toys, musical toys, and puzzles.
Our friends and family have all given her at least 1 toy or stuffed animal each, so she has a large pile of toys that she adores.
Every once in a while, I like to sit on the couch, have my coffee and not look at a pile of toys.
He couldn't care about the pile of toys he has, he wants to press buttons and keys and use my already exhausted body as his personal jungle gym.
Meanwhile, you're tripping over piles of toys and can't find anything in your closet because you never have time to organize it.
A pile of toys can look overwhelming so help by giving them one toy and reminding them where it goes, start with the next, and so on.
Imagine the scene: a 3 - year - old and a 2 - year - old happen upon a pile of toy trains.
Do you ever get the kids into bed, relax on the sofa, possibly with a glass of wine, and then look at the piles of toys.
He loved his toys and would pile them all up, then he would lay his head on his pile of toys.
Then, I have the pile of toys, toy guns, fabric, that fill a corner.
Simple enough — it's just a pile of toys, right?
If you're planning to buy a pile of toys for your kid this Christmas, you might want to think again.
An ING Direct survey into this topic detailed the list in no particular order — piles of toys, clothes and books in bedrooms; smelly bathrooms; grubby kitchens; animal hairs and traces of pets; overgrown lawns; clashing colour schemes; unattractive pieces of art; and items out of place such as dishes in a bedroom or newspapers scattered in the kitchen.
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