Sentences with phrase «piles of books waiting»

Not exact matches

This has nothing whatsoever to do with this particular post, but I have to say this (long - winded though it is)... I currently have about 16 hours of documentaries recorded and waiting for me, 2 - 3 loads of laundry to wash, a pile of un-read books, baking of my own to do AND a beef & Guinness stew that needs making for my boyfriend's birthday dinner, and I just spent 3 hours straight reading your blog.
It wasn't that I was lazy, or had poor time management; or that I didn't have an abundance of books piling up on the bedside table waiting to be read.
I have a TBR pile of nearly 500 titles, I can wait until a book price drops — and I never ever buy books with cliffhangers and the follow - ups haven't already been published.
Usually I have a pile of books on my night table waiting their turn to be read.
Sure, if you go trad you'll get a big fat check so you'll be able to quit your day job and spend some quality time with the ol' muse... oh, wait, no; if you win Slush Pile Lotto, your prize is one third of a pretty mediocre check that may pay a month or two of rent during the six months before the book is done and you get the second third of said check.
They use machine learning to sell massive piles of books, and that engine is just waiting for you to tap into it.
This fast delivery means your book will be fresh on their mind and likely at the top of their «pile» instead of waiting days to get the book in hand.
I have a pile of books next to my bedside table that are queued up, waiting for me to read them.
If you're a would - be traditionally published author and have not yet been published (you're «in the slush pile» waiting for the Angel of the Lord to show your book to the right literary agent), you will not be asked how much you're making from your books — you are making nothing, you have not yet been published.
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