Sentences with phrase «piles of crap in»

I shove piles of crap in my closet.

Not exact matches

It may look beautiful to men, but I firmly believe that in God's eyes, it's a big pile of crap.
After laying everything out we realized that we had camped directly in from of a giant pile of beach crap... you know, the raked up trash and dead fish from the night before.
In the meantime, anyone who has the tiniest clue about politics knows that the official narrative is a pile of crap.
During the Clinton time in office, he was under a constant barrage of absurd accusations - murders, a cocaine running operation from a dinky airstrip in Arkansas, a «death list,» even Whitewater and related accusations that were exhaustively investigated - any credible or potentially credible accusations added to the pile of nonsense and crap suffered by association and «cry wolf» fatigue.
A study published in the Annals of Glaciology last month adds to the pile of crap news about how these glaciers, which extend out over water that's being warmed by climate change, are susceptible to melting...
A study published in the Annals of Glaciology last month adds to the pile of crap news about how these glaciers, which extend out over water that's being warmed by climate change, are susceptible to melting that could screw the world's coasts.
We know that all kinds of crap we are exposed to are endocrine disruptors and we have no idea what the synergy is when you pile them up in your cells.
She and her rival Nancy Kerrigan both hailed from working - class families, but, as Harding ruefully notes in Nanette Burstein's 30 for 30 documentary The Price of Gold, the media remade the polished, graceful Kerrigan into a «princess» and the brassy, unvarnished Harding into a «pile of crap
There's a certain thrill in getting there first, but when you're done, you're still left with a pile of crap.
They're masterpieces of toeing the centreline, and in so doing they manage to offend neither side of the divide overly: The great American strive, Hollywood - style, isn't to rewire the mousetrap, as it were, any more than it is to produce a pile of crap on purpose.
They're called the Razzie Awards, and they honor the steaming pile of crap that came out in that said passing year.
Mass publishing without QA can result in nothing else but a big pile of steaming crap.
When was the last time you threw your own garage sale and got rid of all that crap you've got piled up in the back bedroom, the basement and the garage?
Oh yes, in that extravagantly untidy pile of crap I left in the corner sometime after Christmas.
In an Ubisoft - heavy piling of crap, we've got to talk The Division «s launch, which ticks all the boxes for an Ubi - flavored disaster.
I have random crap in my house I can pile on top of each other, but I wouldn't charge people to come over and do it.
The combat system does deserve some praise, and is the only beacon of light in this turgid crap pile.
And we know that when people do eventually succeed in tracking down the climatologists methods — for example in the Hockey Stick — the work is basically a pile of crap, and patience and persistence that found the errors years after publication.
I noticed it was a pile of crap when in the first chapter the authors sta, rted throwing around the diffusion equation without any reason to do so (the greenhouse gas theory of climate has very little to do with the heat diffusion) and began accusing every person who has studied radiative physics with confusion reflection and absorbtion / emission.
2) Question: I am decidedly unhappy about the fact that I just slipped in a pile of dog crap that was on the floor at my local PetSmart and knocked out four of my false teeth.
Answer: Sometimes managers of apartment complexes demand dog DNA samples so they can have a laboratory compare the DNA to that found in piles of dog crap that tenants fail to pick up.
They'll take any offer to the kids of the deceased (who very often live elsewhere), and convince them that they can trust Uncle or Auntie Agent who they met when they were still kids that this is a perfectly fair price for their parent's place as - is for cash, no home inspection, no contingencies, no paint, no renovation, cash on the barrelhead in 30 days or less... because who can stand to come back to western Pennsylvania and sift through Mom's towering piles of crap, excuse me, collectibles?
In the early years of our relationship, my ex called the gap between my side of the bed and the wall «Cholera Gulch» because there was so much crap piled up there.
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