Sentences with phrase «pilot whales and dolphins»

An unusual and excellent bonus of diving here is the likelihood of spotting pilot whales and dolphins from your dive boat.
Eagle and manta rays are sometimes seen cruising close to the resort's shore, and pilot whales and dolphins often gather out in the channel.

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While pilot whales make whistles, buzzes and clicks, pods of hunting dolphins create high - pitched echolocation clicks and larger species such as sperm whales make louder, slower clicks.
Illustration of an Atlantic White - sided Dolphin and a Long - finned Pilot Whale, two marine mammal species that strand in Cape Cod.
The beached carcasses of 110 long - finned pilot whales and 20 bottle - nosed dolphins were discovered by an abalone diver on the west coast of the island on Monday.
Liz feels truly blessed to have realized one of her lifetime dreams when she had the honor of training and performing with killer whales, dolphins and pilot whales for 10 years.
They lack the common «beak» most dolphins exhibit and instead have a blunt - shaped head much like pilot whales or false killer whales.
The calm waters just off the coast are ideal for kayaks and paddleboard trips along the shore, or into deeper waters often visited by dolphins and pilot whales.
In addition to mantas, these remote islands also attract passing pelagics, including large pods of dolphin, schools of jacks and yellowfin tuna and a variety of whales that includes humpbacks, false killers and pilot whales, plus a showcase of sharks that includes white tips, silver tips, silkies, hammerheads, Galapagos, threshers, and occasionally tigers.
The variety of cetaceans in the Galapagos is impressive and includes bottlenose dolphins, pilot whales, false killer whales, orcas and sperm whales.
Namena is a migratory pathway for cetaceans; you may encounter species such as bottlenose and spinner dolphins, or pilot, minke, sperm, and humpback whales.
You can see first hand various types of animals such as beluga whales, orca whales, a pilot whale, polar bears, dolphins, penguins, manatees, and much more.
When going over the ocean, look out for schools of dolphins and even whales, as your pilot takes you as close to the water as possible, sometimes even skimming the waves.
Last week we saw dolphins and a pilot whale going across by the Oil Rig.
Offers the chance to swim with dusky dolphins in their natural environment plus view other marine life such as orca, pilot whales, fur seals and Hectorâ $ ™ s dolphins.
From September to March is the best time to potentially encounter tiger sharks, killer whales, humpback whales, whale sharks, pilot whales, and spinner dolphins.
You'll be able to spot humpback and pilot whales, as well as resident bottle nosed dolphins.
The islands of Loreto Bay National Marine Park, located in the Sea of Cortez, are home to one third of the world's whale species, including blue, fin, Sei, humpback, sperm, Bryde's and pilot whales as well as common and bottlenose dolphins.
The wild dolphins are never baited or chased.These warm ocean waters are teaming with a variety of sea life and there you might also see orcas, pilot humpback and other whales.
A pilot whale breaks the surface, and we spot a pod of dolphins nearby it like a marine entourage.
Offshore they've been reported with northern right whale dolphins, Risso's dolphins, common dolphins and short - finned pilot whales.
Short - finned pilot whales — though technically part of the dolphin family, short - finned pilot whales exhibit the social behaviors and migratory patterns of larger whales.
Observe gray whales pilot whales, sperm whales, humpback whales and dolphins.
(Globicephala macrorhynchus) The pilot whale, like the killer whale, is a member of the dolphin family, and is second only to the killer whale in size.The pilot whale feeds primarily on squid, although it's known to eat octopus, cuttlefish, herring and other small fish when squid is unavailable.
The helicopter pilots are even skilled at spotting whales and dolphins in the Harbor and educating guests about the history and points of interest in Santa Barbara County.
Another focus this summer may be the Faroe Islands, where an annual roundup and beach slaughter of pilot whales has received far less attention than Japan's slaughter of dolphins and whales.
In an interview last month with the journalist David Kirby, Mark Palmer, the associate director of Earth Island Institute's International Marine Mammal Project, estimated that the dolphin hunters of Taiji killed nearly 900 dolphins and pilot whales this season and kept nearly 250 to sell for alive to the aquarium trade (which is booming in the Middle East and Asia).
Find articles on whale watching, gray, blue, fin, humpback, sperm, Bryde's, and pilot whales; while many more whales and dolphins are possible Frequency about 5 posts per week.
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