Sentences with word «pingo»

The study shows how important methane accumulation is for the formation of subsea pingos.
«The gas hydrate pingos in permafrost are formed because of the low temperatures.
Even though they are more stable than the permafrost pingos, the Barents Sea domes are on the limit of their existence.
Sometimes called hydrolaccoliths, pingos typically form in arctic regions, like Siberia and northern Canada.
Subsea pingos can potentially blow out, without massive attention, as was the case with the highly visible Yamal craters, but with massive expulsions of methane into the ocean.
Methane release from pingo - like features across the South Kara Sea shelf, an area of thawing offshore permafrost
The domes look strikingly similar to dry - land Arctic features called pingos.
pingo Hills that form across the Arctic and subarctic landscape as water collects underground, freezes and then expands to push the soil upward and out.
Indeed, she says, the new study provides an «elegant» explanation for how pingo - like structures might form underwater.
«This giant crater formed after pingo explosion near Bovanenkovo gas deposit in 2014».
Drilling a hole into one of these subsea pingos, can be not only expensive but also catastrophic.
They are mounds of hydrates, technically we call them gas hydrate pingos.
There, off in the distance: It's a mountain... it's a hill... it's a pingo!
However unstable these domes on the Arctic Ocean floor may be, they are still more stable than the pingos found in sub - sea permafrost in Canadian and Russian Arctic.
«Pingos are intensively discussed in the scientific community especially in the context of global climate warming scenarios.
As permafrost extends into the ocean so do the pingos.
An early study suggested that these pingos formed on land during the glacial period, and are therefore relics from the ice age, just like the Arctic subsea permafrost.
«The average ocean temperature is much warmer than Siberia, initially suggesting that the formation of subsea pingos could not be recent, as anticipated for pingos in cold Siberian environments.
Serov and colleagues focused on two subsea pingos that were identified offshore the very same area of the mysterious Yamal peninsula craters.
Periglacial processes of freeze - thaw, solifluction and frost heave, and periglacial landscape features, including permafrost, thermokarst, patterned ground and pingos
This page provides in - depth resources to explore the location, distribution and physical characteristics of different periglacial landforms, including thermokarst, patterned ground and pingos.
Chris Fogwill, an Australian paleoclimatologist and geologist, offers some helpful context in the Sydney Morning Herald on the process by which «pingos,» ice formations in permafrost landscapes, transform into lakes.
But pingos weren't known to form due to explosions.
Gas hydrate pingos, have been discovered in the Arctic oceans Barents sea.
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