Sentences with phrase «pink dumbbells»

And not just the little pink dumbbells — they won't do anything for you at all.
You use your light pink dumbbells because you don't want to get «big and bulky» like a guy?
Doing a million repetitions with pink dumbbells is essentially another form of cardio, and it's not going to change your body shape.
Would a guy who wants to gain some muscle or get stronger waste a second of his time with a 3 lb pink dumbbell?
Ladies, it's time to step away from the two pound pink dumbbells: if you want to build sexy curves, lift heavier weights.
«In general, the biggest thing that I see keeping women from their arm goal is using pink dumbbells for 20 reps,» says Minnesota - based exercise physiologist
Newsflash ladies: pink dumbbells don't build lean, firm bodies, but we know what does.
Scroll down to reason # 2 entitled «Your little pink dumbbells suck
It's also important to remember that you won't use the same weight for each exercise (that's pink dumbbell thinking), but instead switch it up according to what you can or can't do; remember, the idea is to lift as heavy as you can safely lift in order to hit your rep range — if you can do more reps, then you need to increase the weight; if you can't reach the rep range then decrease the weight.
You grab the small pink dumbbells and bust out a thousand reps, right?
Not so long ago, trainers would direct women to the light pink dumbbells, or have them attend the group aerobics class.
First, there is the typical stereotype that women are weak, fragile creatures who can't handle anything more than pushups on their knees and bicep curls with pink dumbbells.
You recognize that sprinting is more challenging than walking and that heavy lifting is more challenging than using pink dumbbells, but the takeaway is that the more stress you place on your body during exercise (within reason, of course), the more oxygen your body will need post-workout to help facilitate recovery.
You need to do more than pick up the same little pink dumbbells and lift them for the same 15 reps for the same little isolation exercises (more on those later).
The only problem here is that many of them are still afraid to pick up some real weights, probably because they think they would turn into She - Hulks overnight by lifting anything heavier than a pink dumbbell.
Many women (and men) have been amazed at the results once they stepped away from the pink dumbbells and started consistently hitting the heavy weights and lower reps.
Why are so many ladies scared to step away from the pink dumbbells?
It was here that I was free to roam the Nautilus equipment, maybe pick up a pink dumbbell or two, and where I discovered my first copy of Oxygen magazine left behind by another member.
So yes, lifting the pink dumbbells will get you there — but it's going to take a looooong time to do it.
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