Sentences with phrase «pink lettering forms»

At no. 1, Bonvicini pays homage to queer theorist Paul B. Preciado's book Testo Junkie (2008) with a series of four prints on canvas: seen from afar, their bold baby - pink lettering forms the sentence «I like to stand with one leg on each side of the wall» (a quote from Heiner Müller), while from up close, the background reveals kaleidoscopic digital collages of minuscule non-descript naked body parts, culled from tabloids.

Not exact matches

I'd been invited by some friends to a fall youth rally at the First Baptist Church, and in the fellowship hall one night, the youth leader passed around neon blue and pink postcards that included a form letter to God promising to remain sexually abstinent until marriage.
It had to have a letter grade of C or better, practice restorative discipline, do a good job of listening to students and families, have low teacher turnover, and — my personal top priority — not require girls to wear plaid uniforms (that's a topic for another post but to sum up, they are gender discriminative and illustrate another form of «pink tax»).
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