Sentences with word «pinna»

Otitis externa, otitis media and interna and that of pinna are some specific infections of the ear identified on basis of their anatomical distribution across the ear.
Liquids, flavored liquids, and transdermal gels, which can be applied to the cat's inner ear pinnae with gloves, may be available.
During these moments you wonder how good it will feel in the beach, sipping on pinna coladas with your significate other?
Pets with pinnae pointing down (i.e. floppy - eared dogs) are considered to have a closed ear canal.
Because the blood can not escape the body, the ear pinna fills like a pillow or balloon.
These lay amid pinna, triangular bivalves that all died here relatively undisturbed: they jut upward as they would have been posed in life.
This is when a blood vessel bursts in your dog's ear and the exterior pinnae fills with blood.
The Variation would be to tack the two sides of the ear pinna together leaving an opening to drain any residual bleeding that may occur.
Treatment with an ear wash solution starts by lifting the ear pinna vertically so that the canal opening is visible.
«A visual evaluation of the ear should be done routinely by gently lifting up the dog's pinnae [ear flap] or taking a look down the canal for dogs with upright ears.
A dog who frequently shakes its head due to an infection can get an aural hematoma, where a blood vessel within the ear pinna (flap) bursts causing a buildup of blood that makes the ear flaps swell.
Unexpectedly, the researchers discovered that the iridium was laid down before the pinna layer, which means that the ammonites and other creatures there died after the event «by 10 to maybe 100 years,» Landman concludes.
I wonder whether this lack of interest is partly a consequence of birds having no external ear or pinna, which is part of their reptilian heritage.
It's also known as the pinna or auricle.
Because the ear flap (pinna) is so big and hairy, it stop air circulating in the canal.
In cats, the external part of the ear consists of the pinna, the ear canal, and the eardrum.
They can also be prone to getting grass seeds in there ears (due to the hair on the pinna) and also between the toes.
Our ears have a «straight shot», called the horizontal canal, which connects the tympanic membrane (eardrum) to the pinna (flap).
In contrast with juvenile cellulitis, dogs with acne do not have lymphadenopathy, and lesions are not present on the pinnae.
When the pinna points out or up, the ear canal is considered to be open.
When localized, the most common areas affected are the head and neck — specifically the pinnae, chin, and periocular areas.
Dogs and cats have a vertical canal that drops downward from the pinna and then takes a nearly 90 ° bend to become a horizontal canal, which courses inward to the tympanic membrane.
You should lift any type of dog's ears frequently and look at the ear «flap» (pinna) and the external canal.
Close observation of an affected ferret's ear (pinna) and ear canal usually reveals a dark brown to black colored waxy substance.
The most common type of hematoma in the dog is that affecting the pinna or ear flap.
Similar lesions may be present on the pinnae, tail tip, and nasal planum.
This occurs when a dog shakes his head so much that a vessel in the ear flap (pinna) bursts and blood fills the ear flap.
This pinna will flop in some dogs while in others it stands up straight.
The pinna will look like a pillow or water balloon, and a veterinarian will need to treat the ear (sometimes surgically).
The visible portion, called the pinna, is a triangular cartilage flap covered on both sides by skin and fur.
Ear hematomas are when the ear flap (pinna) fills with blood, making the ear look like a small balloon.
The pinna of some dogs is surgically altered by cropping to conform to a breed standard.
Specifically, the growth and development of the head and body, tail, hind feet, and pinnae can be up to a day sooner than those found in the wild.
The pinna in dogs and cats is composed of two cartilage sheets with blood vessels in the middle.
In Tuva, the pinnae open on the first day of birth and are completely open after three days of development.
This is an aural hematoma which means an accumulation of blood within the ear flap or pinna.
Incisors and claws are already formed, but the digits, eyes, and pinnae are closed and can not be used.
In severe cases of prolonged scratching and shaking, a hematoma (swelling, caused by a buildup of blood and fluid under the skin) can develop in the pinna, however this is thought to be due primarily to a type of autoimmune disease which weakens the blood vessels of the pinna, making them more prone to rupture.
Phosphorus is a good option for those dogs who suffer with cuts or hematomas to the pinna; it's an excellent remedy for many types of bleeding.
Such damage can be a nightmare to overcome, because the repeated head - shaking can knock off the tiny scabs that form along the bottom of the pinna, causing yet more bleeding.
Some dogs can be in such discomfort that they can cause damage to their ear flap (pinna) from the scratching and repeated shaking over time.
The outer ear consists of the earflap (pinna) and the ear canal itself.

Phrases with «pinna»

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