Sentences with phrase «pins and needles right»

But I have American relatives and they are always on pins and needles right up to the last minute because of the fear of something like this happening.

Not exact matches

So it causes the blood vessels to constrict so there's no blood flow to the nipple often times the nipple would be bleached white and then all of a sudden the blood goes right back into the nipple and it turns like a purple kind of being (inaudible) parents say if you sit on your foot and your foot goes to sleep and then all of a sudden you get the pins and needles.
According to KellyMom, «most moms describe let - down as a tingly, pins - and - needles sensation in their chest, which can happen right after birth or even several weeks into breastfeeding.
But although Lucy couldn't remember whether her arm had been all right when she woke up, she was sure she hadn't felt any «pins and needles» upon awakening.
The Best Interviewees When I use to interview, the candidates that were most memorable (and also turned out to be the best employees) were neither the ones who had answers rolling off their tongues (I could see right through that) nor the ones that walked in on pins and needles.
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