Sentences with phrase «piracy prevention»

"Piracy prevention" refers to the actions taken to stop or reduce the illegal copying, distribution, or downloading of copyrighted material such as movies, music, software, or books without permission from the owners. Full definition
Google Play's piracy prevention efforts have been equally impotent, but changes may be on the horizon for that venue.
The challenge is to find the sweet spot where piracy prevention makes circumventing security a challenge, without interfering too much with the user experience.
Today, piracy prevention systems built on HTML5 can get closer to this sweet spot than alternative solutions.»
Their absence raises questions about whether Amazon has shifted its efforts from piracy prevention to mopping up the damage after an author is victimized.
Thankfully that overbearing approach to piracy prevention seems to have gone out of vogue (mostly because it doesn't work), but it's been replaced with the more advanced Denuvo system, which uses cryptographic sequences to verify gamers» rights to play the games they own.
Contrary to what some piracy prevention organizations would have you believe, the content industry is not loosing money to pirates, those people would are not their customers anyway and considering the inherent value of a few bits and bytes the cost of digital piracy is virtually nil.
Digital Rights Management is the systemic approach to copyright protection and piracy prevention.
Many audio and video companies have accused Google over the years for doing very little regarding the piracy prevention.
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