Sentences with phrase «pissing all»

right now he's just a passenger and it's sad to see + it must be pissing campbell right off.
I don't care for pudding (or black beans in my brownies) but I'm bookmarking this recipe for warmer days because pudding (silly autocorrect tried changing pudding to pissing) pops!
Then I reply, and you intimate that I am starting a pissing contest.
I'm not about to get into a pissing match here, but in defense of what I said, a lot of what conservative Christians in this area say and write about Obama is so vitriolic it makes me wince, and if they back it up at all, it's usually with half - truths or outright lies, most of which they have gotten second - or third - hand.
I considered reviewing her third book, Pissing Off Liberals AND Conservatives by Daring to be Reasonable, but I thought that maybe I'd at least wait until she had pitched it to her agent.»
Arguing with someone about belief is quite similar to pissing into the wind /.
Honestly, I was about to get into a pissing match over complexity but really it's not worth it.
You didn't, but now you are talking about pissing people off.
Jesus likely studied under Pharisee's in his day — which involved a lot of «pissing in the wind» in order to get to the truth behind scriptures and what they mean (elaboration on the texts).
Again with the pissing on the leg thing.
It is important for you to realize that you were HUGELY off topic — instead, you were just pissing on a fire hydrant.
Well yes he certainly did the metaphorical rocking the boat within a chapter or two seriously pissing a lot of people off and as a child causing his parents worry.
There's a fair bit of pissing against the wall (at least in older translations, even before Evangelicals thought it was only a crude euphemism).
I'm really not interested in a philosophical pissing contest.
In These Threads there have been a numb er of participants, back and forth, provoking, pissing off, challening — every once in a while an apology.
You are pissing off Mr. JumpyBunny, jmac!
Somehow the twisted logic is that we can please God by pissing off other people.
Or is the cartoon meant to show the hurting person pissing on the people who hurt him?
My spirit is not hearing any birds sing and anything that crunches is pissing me off, instead of helping me learn and grow.
«This is truly pissing me off!»
For someone who constantly declares they stand against pissing matches and bad behavior... that is all you seem capable of with me.
Well you had an exchange that didn't escalate into a pissing contest; but I wouldn't really call guilt - tripping and accepting the guilt - trip healthy.
fishon — «I have no idea who started the pissing contest between you and I, and I will not waste my time checking, but by your above statement I will guess you.»
I guess I'm somewhat less confrontational, less comfortable with pissing people off.
Public Mobile just tried to increase its rates, pissing off thousands of frugal Canadians in the process.
Calacanis concludes with a question to his competitors: «Are you making content we can be proud of or pissing off Google?»
-LSB-...] that I'm an adult who has gone through the system to reach financial independence, I'm slightly less sensitive to perceived injustices because people stop pissing me off as -LSB-...]
You don't have to worry about pissing anybody off anymore, or feeling guilty about doing things for money you otherwise wouldn't do.You've gone from being someone who is second guessing everything, to someone who does what feels right.
Yeah, child poverty is bad and motherhood and gluten - free apple pie are good — but there was always a sense that he was playing coy and cute to avoid pissing anyone off.
«There's a little bit of a pissing match with Roger.
It mystifies me that anybody calling himself a marketer could still think the way to win customers is to start by pissing them off.
Indeed, if there's one thing to be said about the man, it's that he has never been afraid of pissing people off.
Getting it right (not pissing the customers off) was more important than getting one more incremental interview done.
«Things are so volatile now with all of the outside groups that all it can take is pissing off one billionaire on Wall Street to make it difficult,» she told Politico.
Do you really want to start pissing off more experienced lawyers at this early stage of your career?
If you are constantly refreshing your email inbox, you are pissing away valuable time.
We all know we are losing sales and pissing off customers.
By alienating him or her (or worse, pissing him or her off), you have no chance of building his or her trust or winning his or her business.
It's enough to make one wonder whether the obvious, prolonged pissing contest was happening for someone else's benefit.
«My team and most of my investors are pissed,» he wrote, with jarring cheerfulness, in a buzzy Medium post written the day after he shut down.
They get really pissed off, and then they react very poorly.
«He's full of piss and vinegar.
First appearing as a mentor to our hero, Tony Stark, the twist is that Obadiah has been planning to take over the company, and is pissed when Stark decides to stop manufacturing weapons.
They are pissed off right now.
Before Dan Price caused a media firestorm by establishing a $ 70,000 minimum wage at his Seattle company, Gravity Payments... before Hollywood agents, reality - show producers, and book publishers began throwing elbows for a piece of the hip, 31 - year - old entrepreneur with the shoulder - length hair and Brad Pitt looks... before Rush Limbaugh called him a socialist and Harvard Business School professors asked to study his radical experiment in paying workers... an entry - level Gravity employee named Jason Haley got really pissed off at him.
If you overincent salespeople to oversell, they're just going to piss off customers, and you might lose those customers forever.»
Yes, my own company's CEO might be pissed off at me — but his boss was delighted.
«I like to think that if I've pissed someone off, I'm doing something right,» he joked.
By the time you get to sit on one of our seats you are just pissed at the world.
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